• Breaking News

    Tuesday, October 1, 2019

    Ethereum What's the deal with Ethereum?

    Ethereum What's the deal with Ethereum?

    What's the deal with Ethereum?

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 02:17 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I come from /r/Bitcoin and you all know the whole "Bitcoin won't be the only crypto in the future". So, I have heard a little bit about Ethereum but not even close to be ready to invest. Can you guys help me out a little and enlighten me?

    submitted by /u/nerviosus
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    Ethereum Community Sets a NEW WORLD RECORD in September for Longest 30 Days of ETH - EVER!

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 07:37 AM PDT

    Swarm v0.5.0 is released!

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 10:13 AM PDT

    EVM Istambul storage pricing, or how to hack the EVM to spend half the gas when handling data

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 11:31 AM PDT

    Gradbase putting qualifications on the Ethereum Blockchain

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 04:15 AM PDT

    r/EthStaker’s First AMA is now Live

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 02:57 PM PDT

    Apple will not have an ENS domain, due to OpenSea auction hack

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 10:00 AM PDT

    How to open a loan on Maker

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 08:02 AM PDT

    UniStats — an open-source utility that fetches historical fee accrual for any Uniswap exchange.

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 05:36 AM PDT

    Unistats fetches historical fees accrued for any Uniswap exchange. Simply pass in the exchange address and the UniStats API will fetch historical fees accrued by all liquidity providers in terms of ETH and the ERC20 token pair.

    The product: https://uniswapstats.com/ (Built by Matt Czernik from Terminal)

    Detailed blog post: https://blog.terminal.co/unistats-an-open-source-uniswap-utility-built-on-terminal/

    submitted by /u/pratikgandhi
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    Did you miss the DeFi summit? The name of the presentation was "Melon: The DeFi avant-gardist" ...and it was definitely was a show. The video is out. Won't say anymore than that...

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 11:44 AM PDT

    district0x Dev Update - October 1st, 2019

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 08:48 AM PDT

    The advent of DAOs will change the way we build platforms and websites

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 07:20 AM PDT

    Usually when you join a platform you give your data (email included) and you subscribe.

    From that very moment you just login and do your things.

    With DAOs something is going to change.

    How can a DAO subscribe a site?

    An option is: the DAO-admin (voted by token holders) subscribes with his own email.

    But what about the "things" inside the site? If token holders give money to the admin to be used in your platform/site so all holders want to see what is going on inside the platform.

    An example is a DAO willing to subscribe Binance, to buy and sell tokens. All DAO participants must TRUST (orrible word) the DAO-admin.

    The solution may be the following: when a dao-admin opens an account in your platform you give him the option to declare it as a DAO-account, also declaring the ruler token of the DAO.

    From that moment (he can't step back) anyone holding that token (therefore part of the DAO) can see what the admin is doing. A kind of read-only account for hodlers and a read/write one for the admin.

    So basically if your platform serves many DAOs, when I login you ask me if I want to see my personal account or any account of any of the DAOs I hold the tokens of.

    There may be other solutions. I think the problem will be pretty standard.

    Do you know any example of dapps facing the problem?

    submitted by /u/maxxflyer
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    Geth v1.9.5 --syncmode="light" issues

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 07:05 AM PDT

    Running --syncmode="light" in Geth 1.9.5 from scratch I am having to d/l headers from block 0 and I am currently up to block 4.5m its been running all day and lightchaindata folder is currently 1.7gb. u/karalabe has something changed? It doesn't seem right that 'light' is over 1.7gb and only half done.

    Didn't --syncmode="light" used to just download the last couple thousand headers and get a snapshot of the rest or something similar? I feel like i used to sync via --syncmode="light" in less than 250mb or so and in about 15 minutes. It feels like im just syncing via default 'fast' mode now, not 'light'.

    I am running

    geth --datadir="some directory" --ipcpath="geth.ipc" --syncmode="light" 
    submitted by /u/runnlngoutofspaces
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    We made a dapp that lets you trade Forex prices on Ethereum

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 07:28 AM PDT

    We made a dapp that lets you trade currency prices on the Ethereum blockchain. Our original goal was to be able to be able to trade the price of assets outside of Ethereum but do it in a decentralized non-custodial way on Ethereum, and to this end we thought it would be really cool to be able to trade entirely non-crypto assets on this type of platform. So we built it out and are now excited to offer Forex price markets on Ethereum! As far as we are aware this is the first dapp of its kind, so we're looking forward to see what kind of possibilities we can make work from here. Hope to get some feedback.

    Check it out here: https://exciteprice.com/markets

    Disclaimer: ExcitePrice is a decentralized app built with new technology that involves certain risks, which should be fully understood before accessing the product. This post is not intended for US persons, people in blocked countries Excite Price chooses not to allow access to, or anyone under the age of 18.

    submitted by /u/themrfancyson
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    HOLY GRAILS of the Crypto Stamps + PRE-INFO for the Crypto Stamp 2.0

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 10:11 AM PDT

    Hello everyone,

    Want to share the following link with you, if you are interested in more info for the crypto stamp or variant editions:


    Thanks and best regards, C

    submitted by /u/chaintribe
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    GETH - 630gb synced with AWS GP2 storage (5.1m blocks) - now switched to io1 storage 3000 iops (because it’s much better option), should I restart the sync? Or resume where I left off?

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 03:45 PM PDT

    Loopring Bi-Weekly Update — 09/29/2019

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 03:32 PM PDT

    How do I know which is the genuine chain?

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 03:58 AM PDT

    I just checked that my Ropsten node is on a different block from the ones on ropsten.etherscan.com. The transactions that I am pushing are getting mined in a different block on my node and on a different block in ropsten.ethersan.com.

    How do I confirm that I am the Instanbul fork?

    Do I need to update my geth also?

    submitted by /u/spider143
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    It's gu.cards 1st birthday and we give away genesis packs to celebrate it ������

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 10:44 AM PDT

    OpenSea explains the bugs with the one-time ENS auction they were running (note: the ENS protocol remains uncompromised)

    Posted: 30 Sep 2019 09:16 PM PDT

    Discussion: Are blockchain certficates really a suitable blockchain use case?

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 01:47 AM PDT

    A few universities have started to put certificates respectively hashes of certificates on a blockchain. The main argument is that the certificates can no longer be manipulated. But simply digitally signing a certificate would do the same job. Are there any advantages or reasons why it should be better to store a certificate/hash in a blockchain compared to simply signing it?

    submitted by /u/eckb_wolf
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    Ethereumbiweekly: Ecosystem and Projects’ Updates, Opinion and Research Articles. Istanbul testnets are coming. Only one week left before Devcon V!

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 11:31 AM PDT

    Nancy Pelosi's Democratic Primary Challenger Wants Your Bitcoin (and Ethereum)

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 09:51 AM PDT

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