• Breaking News

    Sunday, August 25, 2019

    BTC Gabriel Cardona got a CashScript example working w/ checkDataSig making use of Oracles!

    BTC Gabriel Cardona got a CashScript example working w/ checkDataSig making use of Oracles!

    Gabriel Cardona got a CashScript example working w/ checkDataSig making use of Oracles!

    Posted: 24 Aug 2019 03:28 PM PDT

    Got a CashScript example working w/ checkDataSig making use of Oracles. https://github.com/Bitcoin-com/cashscript/blob/master/examples/hodl_vault.cash

    Now going to create CashScripts for everything which checkDataSig enbables

    • oracles
    • 0-conf forfeits
    • Digital Good Purchase via PGP Signature
    • Pay to ID
    • Cold Wallet Timeout
    • Enforced multi-sig signing order
    • Stablecoin
    • Covenants
    • Secure Multi-Party Computation
    • Chess on the Blockchain
    • Player v Player gaming
    • Non-Custodial, Permissionless Inheritance
    • on-chain auctions
    • Blind escrows
    • Recurring payments
    • Spending constraints
    submitted by /u/MemoryDealers
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    Favorite project in BCH

    Posted: 24 Aug 2019 07:14 PM PDT

    What's your favorite project in BCH right now? I'll go first. CashFusion.

    submitted by /u/thehatguykyle1
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    Hi Roger, a request: Can you get intouch with the owner of the @Bitcoin Twitter account? You have mentioned you know who it is in real life. Please maintain his/her anonymity. But could you ask what happened and let us know?

    Posted: 24 Aug 2019 12:16 PM PDT

    Did he simply get paid a lot of money by Core advocates to sell his twitter account? Was it too much money to pass up for them?

    Was it stolen from his control by Jack Dorsey?

    It would be very helpful in understanding the big picture.

    submitted by /u/BitcoinIsTehFuture
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    This is a pretty good meme.

    Posted: 24 Aug 2019 10:50 PM PDT

    New Bitcoin Cash Specs Propose Heightened Privacy and Double-Spend Proofs

    Posted: 24 Aug 2019 03:49 PM PDT

    Working Bitcoin Paper Wallet on Minecraft Server - Private Key protected by lava can be uncovered by owner

    Posted: 24 Aug 2019 05:24 PM PDT

    Funding dissent in China: Hong Kong Free Press accepts BCH Donations

    Posted: 24 Aug 2019 03:06 PM PDT

    Re: BCH fundraiser campaign, bchd has already received the funds from donations!

    Posted: 24 Aug 2019 10:38 AM PDT

    Mecenas Recurring Payment Smart Contract - Since we are all hyped on cool scripts!

    Posted: 24 Aug 2019 02:39 PM PDT

    Hi! I'm Licho and I do cool smart contracts on BCH! We saw some cool smart contracts lately written in CashScript here so let me show what I did with Spedn language that is much like CashScript but older, indie and made by u/pein_sama.

    So meet Mecenas smart contract! It lets you make a recurring payments. You can set it up right now with any content creator to give them long term financial stability and help them do their thing! It's set it and forget it. If you are creator you can start accepting such recurring donations on a regular BCH address with nothing more than Electron Cash and my plugin. A video of making the contract here. My plugin is available HERE. Mecenas means patron.

    So let's show the contract:

    contract Mecenas(Ripemd160 pkh, Ripemd160 pkh2, int pledge) { challenge protege(PubKey pk, Sig sig, bin ver, bin hPhSo, bin scriptCode, bin value, bin nSequence, bin hashOutput, bin tail ) { verify size(ver) == 4; verify size(hPhSo) == 100; verify size(value) == 8; verify size(nSequence) == 4; verify size(hashOutput) == 32; verify size(tail) == 8; //verify hash160(pk) == pkh; verify checkSig(sig, pk); bin preimage = ver . hPhSo . scriptCode . value . nSequence . hashOutput . tail; verify checkDataSig(toDataSig(sig), sha256(preimage), pk); int fee = 1000; bin amount2 = num2bin(pledge, 8); bin amount1 =num2bin(bin2num(value)-pledge - fee, 8); bin opDup = 0x76; bin opEqual = 0x87; bin opHash160 = 0xa9; bin pushHash = 0x14; bin newVarInt1 = 0x17; bin newVarInt2 = 0x19; bin opEqualverify = 0x88; bin opChecksig = 0xac; bin [_, rawscr] = scriptCode @ 3; verify checkSequence(30d); verify bin2num(ver) >= 2; bin out1 = amount1 . newVarInt1 . opHash160 . pushHash . hash160(rawscr) . opEqual ; bin out2 = amount2 . newVarInt2 . opDup . opHash160 . pushHash . pkh . opEqualverify . opChecksig; verify hash256(out1 . out2) == Sha256(hashOutput); } challenge mecenas(PubKey pk, Sig sig) { verify hash160(pk) == pkh2; verify checkSig(sig, pk); } } 

    Yeah, it's quite complicated.

    We see two challenges. Mecenas' challenge is simple. It's just pay-to-public-key-hash.

    Protege challenge is more complicated. We are checking the transaction that we make right, we are inspecting it's output and restricting it. The part

    verify hash256(out1 . out2) == Sha256(hashOutput); 

    makes sure that there are two outputs and one of them pays the exact amunt to protege and the other is sending the money back to the contract. This is the ℂ𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕟𝕒𝕟𝕥!

    And there is the code that freezes the money that are back to the contract for the next period:

    verify checkSequence(30d); 

    That's Mecenas contract! I hope you enjoyed it! Go make some contracts for your favorite creators right now!

    submitted by /u/Licho92
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    Posted: 24 Aug 2019 02:10 PM PDT

    Beta release of where2cash is now on play store

    Posted: 24 Aug 2019 01:47 PM PDT

    Crazy ide/ Change my mind: The war on Bitcoin is directed by state intelligence and many of the "leaders" are black-mailed pedophiles.

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 12:33 AM PDT

    I consider myself a pretty good judge of character. I can see it in their childish behaviour and esthetics.

    Downvote me all you want. It's always been the preferred weapon of choice for intelligence bureaus.

    EDIT: Some might argue: No, greed explains their behaviour (rent seeking etc). I don't think so. These people were early adopters which would have easily profited much more from scaling, improving and supporting BTC and seeing it become global money.

    submitted by /u/SwedishSalsa
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    HodlVault CashScript Contract making use of `checkDataSig` and Oracle data

    Posted: 24 Aug 2019 09:00 AM PDT

    This contract forces HODLing until a certain price target has been reached. A minimum block is provided to ensure that oracle price entries from before this block are disregarded i.e. when the BCH price was $1000 in the past, an oracle entry with the old block number and price can not be used. Instead, a message with a block number and price from after the minBlock needs to be passed. This contract serves as a simple example for checkDataSig-based contracts.

    Here's the script needed to compile and run the contract. Thanks to Rosco Kalis for the amazing work on CashScript!

    This is all live on testnet now!

    ```solidity contract HodlVault( pubkey ownerPk, pubkey oraclePk, int minBlock, int priceTarget ) { function spend(sig ownerSig, datasig oracleSig, bytes oracleMessage) { // message: { blockheight, price } int blockHeight = int(oracleMessage.split(4)[0]); int price = int(oracleMessage.split(4)[1]);

     // Check that blockHeight is after minBlock and not in the future require(blockHeight >= minBlock); require(tx.time >= blockHeight); // Check that current price is at least priceTarget require(price >= priceTarget); // Handle necessary signature checks require(checkDataSig(oracleSig, oracleMessage, oraclePk)); require(checkSig(ownerSig, ownerPk)); } 

    } ```

    We're working on creating CashScript Contracts for the following.

    • oracles
    • 0-conf forfeits
    • Digital Good Purchase via PGP Signature
    • Pay to ID
    • Cold Wallet Timeout
    • Enforced multi-sig signing order
    • Stablecoin
    • Covenants
    • Secure Multi-Party Computation
    • Chess on the Blockchain
    • Player v Player gaming
    • Permissionless Inheritance
    • on-chain auctions
    • Blind escrows
    • Recurring payments
    • Spending constraints
    submitted by /u/cgcardona
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    The Bitcoin Halving 2020 Might Have MASSIVE Implications for BTC Price

    Posted: 24 Aug 2019 06:14 PM PDT

    I'm out of the loop - WTF happened to the @Bitcoin Twitter account? It seems to have gotten a terrible brain tumor of some sort.

    Posted: 24 Aug 2019 10:03 AM PDT

    Braking News - Memo is flooded by BCH haters !

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 01:51 AM PDT

    Hi Folks,

    though it seems we are in times of PoSM, I would like to share my opinion that Memo.cash is flooded by useless anti BCH sh!t .

    I do even refer to this post from a sub, where I was banned from (after so many posts u/cryptochecker does not even list them):


    I took me some time to get on board at memo.cash, and I hoped to meet some friends from down the road there,

    this is not a question of block limits, this is a question of user discipline not to flood with worthless sh!t

    Please do excuse my striking words, but I start to realize the times have changed a lot,

    and it is time to stand up once again !

    yours ole Azz Panne :)

    (sorry the edit of typos - excuse my bad english)

    submitted by /u/PanneKopp
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    Adam Back appears to be panicking again. What did I miss??

    Posted: 24 Aug 2019 06:17 AM PDT

    Send Token Payouts With Ease Using Bitcoin.com's SLP Dividend Calculator - Bitcoin News

    Posted: 24 Aug 2019 05:25 PM PDT

    The @Bitcoin account has turned into r/bitcoin. Meme pumping, trolling, & circle-jerking.

    Posted: 24 Aug 2019 09:14 AM PDT

    Bitcoin Cash full node images for Docker

    Posted: 24 Aug 2019 09:38 AM PDT

    If you haven't used Docker before, it's a quick & easy way to package an OS, web server & applications into an image and then run those apps using virtual machines and containers. It is a great way to get new apps up & running quickly without installing the required OS, updates, dependencies and all that jazz. Instead, you install Docker on your machine and then search for an existing Docker image that someone has already set up or create your own Dockerfile to build an image by specifying all the dependencies, requirements & set up commands for your applications. If you do it once then you can instantly spawn as many containers as you need when you need them. You can also then share your Docker image with the community.

    So I found that Docker + Bitcoin is a quick & easy way to get a full node up & running.

    You can view all the commands & installation instructions for running a Bitcoin ABC or Unlimited full node with Docker here: https://github.com/zquestz/docker-bitcoin

    I was interested so I tried it out on my Mac, without having Docker installed. It took me about 10 minutes to download & install Docker, then get a Bitcoin ABC node up & running with a persistent data volume. eg: docker run -d --rm --name bitcoind -v "$PWD/bitcoinabc/data:/data" zquestz/bitcoin-abc

    Of course, downloading the full blockchain will take more time (I believe it's about 127GB) but to at least get it running is very simple. You can then easily start or stop the node by starting or stropping the Docker container. eg: docker start bitcoind

    *this was found on the Bitcoin ABC website https://www.bitcoinabc.org/ at the "Docker packages" link so it is a trusted source.

    Edit: current version of BitcoinABC is 0.20.0, updated 2 days ago.

    submitted by /u/RighteousDub
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    Is the BTC camp making a left turn? It sure seems like it.

    Posted: 24 Aug 2019 12:47 PM PDT

    ripple investors are questioning the XRP dumps by the 'company; /// very suspicious

    Posted: 24 Aug 2019 07:25 AM PDT

    �� Animated series "Bitcoin & Friends" returns with Episode 3 featuring Ross Ulbricht, The Origins of Silk Road — Thoughts?

    Posted: 24 Aug 2019 03:44 PM PDT

    Episode 3 Just Came Out — I'd recommend that everyone watch this series.

    Entertainment in our space has been very lacking and considering that BTC is 10+ years old and STILL not that popular...

    Well made / well thought out cartoons like this can easily reach the layman, because...

    The show has a sequential timeline and starts with the birth of Bitcoin and does it so in an entertaining manner.

    I wish we had more artists / entertainers making content like this to bridge the gap between nerds and muggles.

    submitted by /u/aknalid
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    Is $100,000 Bitcoin Still Realistic?

    Posted: 25 Aug 2019 02:06 AM PDT

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