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    Wednesday, August 28, 2019

    Bitcoin Daily Discussion, August 28, 2019

    Bitcoin Daily Discussion, August 28, 2019

    Daily Discussion, August 28, 2019

    Posted: 28 Aug 2019 12:00 AM PDT

    Please utilize this sticky thread for all general Bitcoin discussions! If you see posts on the front page or /r/Bitcoin/new which are better suited for this daily discussion thread, please help out by directing the OP to this thread instead. Thank you!

    If you don't get an answer to your question, you can try phrasing it differently or commenting again tomorrow.

    We have a couple chat rooms now!

    Please check the previous discussion thread for unanswered questions.

    submitted by /u/rBitcoinMod
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    Graph of Anon's bull run prediction

    Posted: 27 Aug 2019 10:51 AM PDT

    Bitcoin because fuck banks

    Posted: 27 Aug 2019 01:19 PM PDT

    US Magistrate Judge: Craig Wright "intentionally submitted fraudulent documents to the court, obstructed a judicial proceeding, and gave perjurious testimony."

    Posted: 27 Aug 2019 05:42 PM PDT

    "Stop obsessing about price, Bitcoin today is stronger than ever" - Tomer Federman

    Posted: 28 Aug 2019 02:11 AM PDT

    Australian who says he invented bitcoin ordered to hand over up to $5bn

    Posted: 28 Aug 2019 01:24 AM PDT

    Paid our employees with Bitcoin, now we're sanctioned and closed.

    Posted: 27 Aug 2019 09:59 PM PDT

    Paid our employees with Bitcoin, now we're sanctioned and closed.

    Crypto payments to employees is the best for innovation, and a step forward to mass adoption, but as always, you need to be careful about where you make it, how, and also, who you let to know about it.

    Aware of Internet security risks, and because we're still inside and we don't want more problems if this information gets to the wrong people, in this case i'll try to hide things such as addresses, the name of our CEO and delicate info which can be used against us.

    I'm sorry if the post is too long... There's a lot going on and i really need to explain almost everything with detail, believe me, is important.

    We have to go into context here, since Hugo Chavez came to power he started to expropriate companies, simply because they were private sector companies, Ok hold on... Don't even try to convince me about the "fair" causes of his expropiations, that was a communist measure to get money from companies and destroy the private sector and jobs, it helps them to control the people, i lived it.

    In 2010, about more than 1000 companies were already expropriated and left to nothing, machinery was sold or robed, production was destroyed.

    The person who decided to write/post this article here with my help on the internet is P.J., 53yo is a businessman in Venezuela, my boss and friend. CEO of the textile company manufacturer where was working at, started as the corporate sales manager, AJ Confections in Barquisimeto city, he's been into textile manufacturing since the 2000, with hard work he managed to make the company grow.

    In 2011, afraid of being expropriated for the reasons;

    1- It was always a private company.

    2- It was growing fast.

    3- The payroll of employees was bigger enough to make Chavez come and say "THIS COMPANY BELONGS TO THE PEOPLE, NOT TO THE BOSS, EXPROPRIATED!" as we saw him a couple times here and there. P.J. decided to turn the company into "Low profile", removed the most visual marketing work, and it was now a "behind closed doors" facility. Everything good, people still working, good payments, vacations, christmas bonus (El aguinaldo), blah blah blah, everything in the laws.

    Time goes by and Chavez died, when Maduro came to power the situation in Venezuela became worse and worse every day, many employees decided to leave the country, and the company was sudenly numbers down, P.J. was forced to sell part of the company to survive the moment, in 2016 it was already a smaller building with less people working in, this is when i jump in to save company... Or maybe not, i was the younger of the company, joined thanks to my dad's friendship with P.J. I was needing a job to help myself pay the university (Yacambú) so he gave me a chance to do whatever in there, help and get paid.

    I saw a problem, hyperinflation. A.J. Confections have been manufacturing uniforms and clothes for bigger companies (e.g. Loquillos, Traki, Ceramicas Caribe (before it's close), Ceramicas vizcaya, Corporación Zenit, I&S Lara, etc) with big personel, the payments were good enough, the next day is worthless, i mean;

    Work delivered, payment made (In Bolivares) equivalent to $350, the next day, those $350 are now $180, next day $100, and so it goes. Accepting dollars was dangerous and by the moment, kinda impossible. We needed a way to protect our capital from the degenerate Bolivar hyperinflation.

    The immediate solution?... Of course it was Bitcoin.

    I've been involded into Crypto since 2016, (Not trading at all, but learning a lot and trying some mining with my PC, studying the whole system), In the late 2018 i proposed P.J. to adopt Bitcoin as a payment method, i explained everything and he accepted, everything fine, weeks later we decided to try to pay employees in Bitcoin too, We did a little private conference for all the employees about Bitcoin (What is it, how to use it, how to exchange it to local currency if needed, etc), some agreed, some still wanted Bolivares, everything fine, but the point is, the adoption began, sincerelly, i was feeling great because thanks to my acquiried knowledge about Bitcoin, i was saving A.J. Confections.

    At this point we were: Stable company, crypto adoption, crypto payments, everything running "stable", everyone good.

    Recently he hired a new seamstress, her name is Ingrid Leon, she was coming from Caracas to find a job, and... she's a Chavista, Maduro supporter, knew that because of her CV, he used to work with the government... That... was a big mistake in my opinion and i told him that, he didn't cared about because the woman's work as seamstress was actually pretty good.

    End of the month, we explained to her that she's able to get paid in crypto, principally Bitcoin, the poor mind's woman started talking shit about it, saying that's fake money, an "Imperialist" strategy of us, the bourgeois oligarch to opress the poor and scam them paying in Fake money, that we're making fun of her job and we're scammers, and just in case we should be using "Petro" instead of Bitcoin, on the orders of "Our workman president Nicolas Maduro" she said. Again, we tried to explain that "Petro" is the real scam, she didn't understood a single fuck, then we told her to stop, it's ok, fuck, we can pay you in Bolivares too, she accepted, once we paid her, she left and never came back.

    Next week, 2 random guys came at us, she sued us at SUNACRIP (Instead of suing us at the Ministry of Labor), that was starting to smell bad...

    "SUNACRIP" (Superintendencia Nacional de Criptoactivos y actividades conexas) Is a uperintendence institution to control the people's crypto, Petro "token" is the Maduro's shitcoin for laundering their crime money (If you want to know more about it: https://www.ethnews.com/venezuela-unveils-new-crypto-regulations), same happened with the "official exchanges" they made last years to change Bolivares for Dollars (Cadivi, Cencoex, Dicom, Simadi, etc) first they "work" properly, then they scam the people and blame the US, we never wanted to register our company in that bullshit, i mean, WHY? We don't wanna use your Petro, we're using Bitcoin.

    We probably would give it a chance and take a look if this wasn't an authoritarian narco communist criminal regime and the laws were clear enough to trust.

    Both SUNACRIP functionaries when suddenly came to knock our door, asked questions like these:

    -Why haven't we registered the company in the SUNACRIP?, As we're now using crypto.

    -Who gave you permission to pay the employees in Bitcoin?

    -Why have we payed employees with Bitcoin and not petro?

    -Why haven't we declared those Bitcoin taxes to the government?

    Are you kidding me???? Does "Bitcoin Taxes" even exist here?, actually i asked them to show me where's that supposed law, we needed to read that, if it even exists. No concrete answer, only political arguments and propaganda.

    The case was turning bad against us, the result: We were "exhorted" to pay up to 3 BTC to them for " Crimes Against Improper Access to the Cryptoactive Integral System", or the company was going to be sanctioned/expropriated with deadline 31 July, 2019 and P.J. to preventive jail. I was like, ok, where's the order? I mean, a paperwork, if you are going to threat us legally, do it legally. One more time, no concrete answer, just "That's how it works, pay or we're gonna close your company".

    At this point we were already not that worried because "If they don't do it legally, they can't do it... Right?", but, scared as well because they're still from the gov, this gov is literaly criminal... They can do whatever they want some times.

    We've been using Crypto before they made those "laws" (They actually did it... https://sunacrip.gob.ve/files/gaceta-oficial-41.575.pdf), but since when making a Bitcoin transaction is "Improper access to the cryptoactive integral system"? Wtf? We're not hacking Petro blockchain system or Bitcoin wallets, now we have to pay to the government for having access and owning BTC, come on.

    Also, we never saw that laws announcement, i mean, the whole Petro shit was a show, but the laws were never shown or announced, also we barely have internet access, just imagine, e.g... You're from the US, and you're using Bitcoin, tomorrow Trump announces he creates TrumpuCoin and you all have to use it if you do crypto, ok anything wrong, you laugh and keep using BTC, the next day you get arrested because you used Bitcoin instead of TrumpuCoin but he never announced that law in particular, just created it and left it a PDF hidden in his website, something just like that is what happened.

    Btw, big stores like "Traki" are currently starting to adopt crypto now:


    They're probably sticking to the sunacrip laws and paying them... Also, big companies aren't easy target to the kind of government harassment smaller companies are exposed to (e.g. La Polar, years and years of harrasment and they still can't shut it down, because they have enough to pay and power to stay...)

    So, we barely had around 0.4 BTC in our company wallet at the moment, and even putting the individual personel BTC holdings together we were around 0.73 BTC, there was no way to pay 3 whole BTC, we were thinking about selling the machines to pay, but that would be a production cut off, or try get the funds by crowdfunding but there's not crowdfunding sites like GoFundMe for LATAM or Crypto related available for us here.

    Deadline came, the August 14th morning there was a Military SUV with 4 FANB guards (Military) and 2 SUNACRIP functionaries waiting for us, i started recording with my phone the whole stuff but one of them tooked it away from me, yeah my phone was robbed off by a military, a normal day in Venezuela. They took P.J. with them, also the FANB took away 7 sewing machines, 1 8-head embroidery machine and 1 "Octopus" heat transfer printing machine. The facility was left with some remaining raw material, closed and padlocked.

    A couple hours later P.J. was freed, in exchange of not arresting him, they just made him sign paperwork where he """""VOLUNTARILY""""" RETURNS THE COMPANY" to the state, in agreement to the government for law violations and crypto related crimes. And now under vigilation to make sure he's not mining or something crypto related or textile business again.

    We're now expropriated in the best Chavez/communist way, arbitrary, for no concrete reasons and without being able to fight it in an impartial tribunal. Fight for it? Lawyers? Try to get it back? Come on dude, wake up, this isn't a free country, we're in Venezuela, try that is to get killed or jailed, real laws doesn't exist here, only when they use them against the people, or if you're a big enough company with enough money to bribe the state, you can ask any Venezuelan what can we do if our private company gets expropriated, ask few, only if you have a lot of monet, you can avoid being expropriated paying them what they ask for... (If we just paid them the 3 BTC, we could still have the company), there's no turning back. The next week the SENIAT will change all the company information (CEO, address, etc) God knows what's gonna happen with our stuff, the facility will probably become some political meeting shit.

    Ask a Venezuelan... If anyone from the government catches you doing something they think you shouldn't or affects them, there's no way to take them away from you, only paying them or just in case having a "contact" inside who can helps u, otherwise, you'll be facing the consequences, we don't have any power here.

    As i'm writing this, we already decided to move on and don't stand still, we simply can't, what are we gonna do here? Venezuela is doomed more and more every day, we're qualified people and we can make this work again, but not here.

    We are now 8 people without job including me and P.J.

    Our 6 main employees remaining were looking for job right now as the company is closed;

    1- Transporter

    4- Seamstress

    1- Doorkeeper/Watchman

    Sorry for the quality







    I just managed to contact each of them asap today and talked in person about it this afternoon, (i'm still organizing a reunion, we need all to talk about this, all together), at the end of the day, they all agreed, but they don't trust this is going to work at all, anyways we need to try, there's no other way, with the remaining company's BTC we'll be helping them for their daily needs and not leaving them alone, but time is running against us...

    Think about it, asking for charity? Ok, isn't a bad idea, there are so many charity organizations around here and there helping Venezuelans in bad situation, but the flow of money would be one way only, we don't want to depend of charity, we want to rebuild our basis, be independient again and then, be able to help more people to be independient, we are qualified people.

    So let's get to the point:

    There are 3 machines left in the depot (actually a house) outside Barquisimeto, they still working fine, tested today, we gonna sell everything, even the house... We're already talking with a real state agent to study it and set a fair price (overall is about $12k)







    No verification reddit paper here because i forgot to tell P.J.'s wife that detail, P.J. wasn't at home, if you want me to post it again with the reddit paper, wait for tomorrow so i can tell the ma'am or P.J. to take the pictures again.

    We want to re-open our company and take our people with us, outside the country... We're thinking about Perú because is not so expensive to go there, also there's high quality cloth, we used to import textile raw material from Perú, we have a couple company partners there, and also knowns and family friends living there with the permanent residence status aproved, which means they can help us with the paperwork and then the easy transfer of our people with a Job Visa, so we think is a good idea to start over right there and also we'll be helping people and help Perú itself with the Venezuelan migration, how? Creating jobs for our people and contributing to the economy grow.

    We the Venezuelans, as i see, are becoming a plage in LATAM, and we completely understand them all, but unfortunately it wont stop... More and more people is trying to leave Venezuela every day as the situation is worse every minute, the borders will eventually collapse more, and politicians (gov and opo) are just playing around, if we create jobs there and hire our people, we'll be fighting against that informality people hates, contributing to economy grow, and give people a second chance of living independient.

    Also, for sure keep using the Bitcoin Payments, we'd like to impulse crypto adoption in Perú.

    So, our summary plan is: Get funds, go to Perú, do the paperwork to legalyze the company there, hire a facility, hire/get the machinery, take our people, start over, create jobs, help Venezuelans and the Perú itself.

    I know i know, "Isn't that simple", but tell me something, should we stand still, here?? In Venezuela?? The answer is No. We have to start moving right now, staying here is suicide, the minimun wage is now about $3 a month, THREE... DOLLARS... A... MONTH, we simply can't, this is inhuman, starting over here is a big mistake.

    We can make it by hard work if we can get an initial little push, i know and let's be real, most of the people in the internet isn't open at all to help the others or give away their money, many afraid of scams, totally understandable because there's a lot of cases, but this is not one of them.

    That's why we want to:

    1- Sell the depot/house that's about 4300 sqft and everything else (hopefully in crypto) and use that money.

    2- Contact someone to trust and make a serious GoFundMe campaing or another platform (we're not able from here in latam, is only USA and Canada as far as i know), or if you know any Fund Raising crypto related - available in LATAM, please let us know, i can't find it yet, we'll provide all our (ex) company documets and the whole case to verify everything (our identities, ID cards, Company register, anything else is needed) and post it there, we're trying our best here in Venezuela, but, isn't enough, this country is doomed for at least 10 more years, staying here is lose time, at least... We want to get enough to take everyone out of here.

    In exchange of any help, we still have some articles in the depot, so we're offering some brand new clothing, you'll be able to choose any of it or ask for a personalized one i think we can still use some of these machines, i'm going to ask about it tomorrow, worldwide shipping as i see some courier services are still working, and once we're back on the road we'll offer discounts and partnerships, we can make Crypto project's T-shirts, hoodies, uniforms, whatever you need we can do it, some examples:





    And please, don't try to defend those socialist criminals or their "laws", seriously, i've had enough of the lefties. Don't waste your time.

    Also if you want to help but you need more proofs, documents, bills /invoices, ask me by DM, there are addresses, names and financial info there, i'm not posting that in particular publicly, So, easy, i send you the doc/pic by private.

    Now, if you think you're "that person" to trust and make the GoFundMe stuff, please contact me asap.

    If you're from Venezuela, por favor... De pana no vayas a compartir esta vaina en redes sociales o donde pueda hacer ruido, lo menos que queremos es que nos vengan a joder otra vez, y si quieres comprar las maquinas o incluso la casa, contáctame y conversamos.

    We're opened to ideas too, we decided to post this here because... We actually don't know where to, as i'm the only one in this company that speaks english and was able to write this with P.J.'s help i'm gonna post it in other forums and sites (english and spanish, not on social media) to get ideas and help, we really want and need a second chance, i hope we can get guidance and help soon.

    Today is 27/08/19, 23:59, i'm posting this and going to sleep.


    submitted by /u/MZIEMSKI
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    My own full node!

    Posted: 28 Aug 2019 01:35 AM PDT

    After yesterday's thread, I decided I wanted to run my own full node, partially to see how hard it was to do it, but more importantly to a) help myself validate my own transactions and b) help the network's decentralization.

    Well, I'm happy to say that it took less than an hour to get setup. I've used the script curl https://bitnodes.earn.com/install-full-node.sh | sh to get started. It literally takes care of 95% of the work, only thing missing is to adjust the settings in bitcoin.conf.

    Since I expected it would be much harder I decided to setup an Electrum Personal Server. It also took much much less than I expected, probably had it up and running 15 minutes from the moment I opened it's github page.

    I'm super happy to have my own node. It certainly isn't perfect since I'm using a VPS to run it, but I'll be getting a $50 Raspberry Pi and running it at home as soon as possible.

    If you have never looked into running a full node I very much encourage you to do it, it's SO much easier than people make it out to be and you'll be doing a great service to yourself and the network.

    submitted by /u/heelhookrc
    [link] [comments]

    1.8 MB Block mined today, segwit is killing it!

    Posted: 27 Aug 2019 04:55 PM PDT


    Posted: 27 Aug 2019 06:11 AM PDT

    Today I learnt that German startup company spot9's CEO Johannes Gorski is sending lawyers and financial regulators after people who deploy Bitcoin ATMs in Germany in order to get competition out of the way. As if German Bitcoiners were not harassed enough by their government already.

    Posted: 27 Aug 2019 12:28 PM PDT

    Petition to free Silk Road founder Ross Ulbricht gets 200,000 signatures

    Posted: 27 Aug 2019 01:54 PM PDT

    Hong Kong protests are accelerating bitcoin adoption

    Posted: 27 Aug 2019 04:23 PM PDT

    On Satoshi Nakamoto

    Posted: 28 Aug 2019 01:20 AM PDT

    Satoshi Nakamoto will be remembered in history as one the greats alongside inventors and scientists such as Tesla and Salk, even if their identity is never revealed. I mentioned those two names for a specific reason.

    Like Tesla this individual is an eccentric genius, and their invention will revolutionize the world. In Tesla's day as the electric grid was slowly built out over many decades, most people didn't quite understand or see the potential of having electricity in every home. They did not and could not see the lives we live today. The existence of the electrical grid gave rise to THOUSANDS of new inventions, that would not exist, if not for the existence of the electric grid. Even the inventors of these inventions, would not have foreseen the invention of the key basic ingredient that would allow them to even THINK about their own invention.

    I see block-chain being as revolutionary as AC current, and btc is just one implementation of a block-chain. I'm not saying that in the future we'll have star-drives, and flying cars, and free money. However with block-chain one can appreciate the depth and magnitude of the 'invention' even if one doesn't know how exactly to use it and what to do with it.

    I also mentioned Salk, again for a specific reason. Did Salk (& team) invent or discover the polio vaccine? I think it's a bit of both. Computer scientists like microbiologists invent things (algorithms) which are based upon recombining things occurring in nature (mathematics). After Salk invented his vaccine, he gave it away. He did not try to monopolize his invention for personal wealth and fortune. Nakamoto has done the same. One could argue that he had to give it away, otherwise it would never go anywhere etc. etc. and giving it away was the smart thing to do. Hind-sight is 20/20. As anybody that has designed anything will tell you, it is difficult to step back from your design and divorce your ego from the fruit of your intellectual labor.

    Finally Nakamoto's "fortune" in btc will never be spent, and this is the main reason I'm writing this piece today. This is the single act that will put Nakamoto in league with history's greats. However I have to make a fundamental assumption: that Nakamoto is not spending their coins, and not seeking publicity out of their own volition and for an overarching reason.

    To me Nakamoto's original, unspent, "lost" hoard is a design choice. It's like the "lost treasure". It exists to attract interest to the btc blockchain. Lot's of people are thinking to themselves "i wish I had satoshi's coins". Satoshi will never spend his coins, because those coins are meant to be, to use a inappropriate term "hacked". They are essentially unclaimed coins in the public domain, and if you can figure out and solve the problem of getting to those coins then there is a big reward in it for you.

    I was a long time btc skeptic (from an economic perspective). Recent events in the world made me look into btc, and now I've become a convert.

    During the last financial crisis there were many countries that were essentially insolvent, and looking at using the currencies of a different country to replace their national currency. Iceland was looking at using the Canadian dollar instead of their krona. In the end they didn't do anything, and Iceland still has it's own sovereign currency.

    However who's to say that the next financial meltdown will not result in adoption of btc as a national currency in some sovereign jurisdiction ? It can happen with the stroke of a pen. There are over 190 sovereign jurisdictions in the world.
    Argentina HABITUALLY devalues their currency and defaults on their debts. I can't think of a country more in need of btc than Argentina. The infrastructure, markets, trust is all there, ready and available for any daring state to switch over to btc as official currency.

    I cannot think of a more ground-breaking discovery than bitcoin and block-chain since the turn of the 21st century. Some might say that I'm being hyperbolic but I think it is going to be difficult to overstate the impact of block-chain.

    To quote the great Dr. Ron Paul: " An idea whose time has come cannot be stopped by any army or any government."

    I mean NEGATIVE INTEREST RATES, are you fucking serious ???!?? I don't see anybody under 35 in most post-industrial economies being invested or interested in keeping the rotten edifice of the existing central-banking kleptocracy propped up with their blood, sweat and tears.

    Bitcoin will shatter empires.

    submitted by /u/TrudeauFucksDogs
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    Principles by Ray Dalio - Principles for Navigating Big Debt Crises

    Posted: 28 Aug 2019 02:15 AM PDT

    Australian banks are now referring people to food shelters in order to keep them paying their mortgage.

    Posted: 27 Aug 2019 02:46 PM PDT

    British businesses, after BREXIT, will start seeking new ways of cash flow. Bitcoin could be one of them ₿

    Posted: 28 Aug 2019 03:41 AM PDT

    The first Bitcoin backed real-estate mortgage has occurred. This opens up Bitcoin to be backed by a 280 trillion dollar value market, making a 10 million+ coin possible. 280 Trillion$ divided by 21 Million฿ equals a 13,333,333$ dollar ฿itcoin. The future is lining up. Sauce in comments

    Posted: 27 Aug 2019 02:59 PM PDT

    Incredible how everyone forgets in the Craig Wright- Kleiman case there is no actual Bitcoin! You would think that was more relevant in the clickbait.

    Posted: 27 Aug 2019 05:04 PM PDT

    “The Next Recession Will Destroy Millennials” - it’s not to late to get some Bitcoin however!

    Posted: 27 Aug 2019 07:46 AM PDT

    Kleiman v Craig Wright: The bitcoins that never were

    Posted: 27 Aug 2019 09:21 AM PDT

    Gold Market Flooded With 'Fake' Bars; Bitcoin Critics Please STFU

    Posted: 28 Aug 2019 04:10 AM PDT

    Judge Confirms Ruling: Craig Wright to Forfeit 50% of Bitcoin Holdings - (Welcome to law)

    Posted: 28 Aug 2019 01:21 AM PDT

    Yo please tell me I’m not the only one that thinks this way. The word “Bitcoin” am I the only one that thinks “Bitcoin” is plural instead of Bitcoin(s)

    Posted: 27 Aug 2019 01:56 PM PDT

    For example. I have this much Bitcoin or How much Bitcoin do you have, I bought some Bitcoin VS I bought Bitcoin(s) or how many Bitcoin(s) do you have. Please tell me I'm not the only that this annoys or thinks the same way. Me personally I feel like BITCOIN is Plural

    So which one are you Bitcoin or Bitcoin(s)

    submitted by /u/ssmly360
    [link] [comments]

    Exclusive: Fake-branded bars slip dirty gold into world markets

    Posted: 28 Aug 2019 04:34 AM PDT

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