• Breaking News

    Friday, July 5, 2019

    Ethereum Ethereum Based Venture Cajutel Licensed to Become the Next AT&T of West Africa

    Ethereum Ethereum Based Venture Cajutel Licensed to Become the Next AT&T of West Africa

    Ethereum Based Venture Cajutel Licensed to Become the Next AT&T of West Africa

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 09:43 AM PDT

    Ethereum Planning to Reduce Issuance by 10x in 2 years according to Justin Drake, an eth 2.0 researcher at the Ethereum Foundation

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 04:04 PM PDT

    SportX, a new sports betting exchange built on Ethereum; bets can be made with DAI on 17 sports markets

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 08:11 AM PDT

    This is great for Ethereum and Maker/DAI, and for the punters out there, they have an article explaining why they'll beat the competition: https://blog.sportx.bet/ultimate-guide-to-everything-sportx/

    • Bet with Dai Stablecoin – On other sports betting dapps, betting with a volatile cryptocurrency makes it hard to estimate profits. On SportX, all bets are placed in Dai, a stablecoin pegged to the US Dollar. 1 Dai = 1 USD, always.

    • Set Your Own Odds – SportX is a peer-to-peer sports betting app, where users set their own odds and bet against other users. SportX bettors have total freedom to set their own odds using Bookmaker mode.

    • [...]

    submitted by /u/mrobe66
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    Ledger Wallet has abandoned its customers for 5 straight months ||| The "MCU Firmware" Debacle

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 04:04 AM PDT

    Some of you may have noticed the recent flood [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] of "MCU firmware is not genuine" posts on r/ledgerwallet for the last 5 months (at least). It's leaving who knows how many people locked out of their cryptocurrency wallets, stored on what was purported to be the most secure hardware wallet on the market.

    [Edit: everyone's commenting on how you can restore your wallets with the seed phrase. Thank you, I'm aware of this. It doesn't solve the fact that my hardware wallet is now bricked]

    On the ledger website, their advice if the repair tool fails is to restart it. Which isn't much help as it seems everyone just winds up watching it fail again and again and again with no other options.

    Ledger support here on reddit hasn't helped any of us in any way beyond the inane advice on their support site, which its clear is helping no one.

    This is the extent of fucks that u/murzika and the Ledger Wallet team has given about this issue.

    For those considering buying a Ledger, don't. You'll lose access to your money like the rest of us.

    For those of us abandoned by Ledger and stuck without access to our funds.... I'm not sure what to do short of raising the alarm and making sure no one else supports this negligent company and falls prey to it's apathy. Any advice? Would it be possible to take collective legal action?

    I've begun reaching out to bloggers & thought leaders in hopes that a major publication will write a story on this.

    submitted by /u/Razaberry
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    10 things we *don't* do that makes working for Truffle awesome! Come join us.

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 12:43 PM PDT

    Pantheon 1.1.4 released -- PegaSysEng/pantheon

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 04:27 PM PDT

    What Developers Are Building With Augur | A Guide to Overlays, Dapps & Tools for the World's First Peer-to-Peer Prediction Market Protocol

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 11:06 AM PDT

    Fact registry design pattern on Ethereum by StarkWare -- batching proofs for several Dapps into a single succinct proof - zk-s[nt]arks

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 04:29 PM PDT

    ETHIndia has received over 1400 applications ��

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 04:14 PM PDT

    Rob Dawson: PegaSys – Enterprise-Grade Ethereum Protocol Engineering [Epicenter Ep 294]

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 04:23 PM PDT

    Just found out my parents' Coinbase account was hacked and 15 ETH were sent through several wallets, eventually lost in larger amounts out. Anything I can do to get them their ETH back?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 04:07 PM PDT

    Forget Halvings. Ethereum Planning 10 Fold Reduction In 2021

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 02:00 PM PDT

    The 1.14.0 version of the Wordpress Ethereum Wallet plugin released

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 11:11 AM PDT

    The 1.14.0 version of the Wordpress Ethereum Wallet plugin released

    The 1.14.0 version of the Wordpress Ethereum Wallet plugin has been released: https://wordpress.org/plugins/ethereum-wallet/

    The Wordpress Ethereum Wallet plugin auto-creates a user wallet upon registration and allows user to send Ether or ERC20/ERC223 tokens from it.

    New features:

    • Dynamic ETH or ERC20 token price feature of the Cryptocurrency Product for WooCommerce plugin is supported.
    • Use tokendecimals attribute to configure the desired digits after the decimal separator count for the [ethereum-wallet-balance] shortcode
    • Use tokendecimalchar attribute to configure the desired decimal separator character for the [ethereum-wallet-balance] shortcode.

    Live demo page is available: https://ethereumico.io/ethereum-wallet/

    The account with QR opened

    submitted by /u/olegabr
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    Unbricking your "MCU firmware is not genuine" Ledger (x-post to /r/ledgerwallet)

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 02:15 PM PDT

    Ethereum Core Devs Meeting #64 [2019-07-05]

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 01:08 AM PDT

    Endorsed by Vitalik, annointed by Elon, Dogecoin lists on Binance (So Much Wow)

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 03:35 AM PDT

    ChainId vs NetworkId? How do they differ on Ethereum?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 04:31 PM PDT

    Deploy Your Dapp to the Loom Plasmachain Mainnet

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 06:17 AM PDT

    ETH 2.0 Specs lock

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 04:30 AM PDT

    Hello, can anyone point me in direction where to research what is actually a specs lock, what does it mean and what is actually locked?

    I have little knowledge about transition to ETH 2.0 and there have been major event of locking specifitacion for ETH 2.0 and i have trouble to actually find what has happened and what does it mean. I ll be super happy if you point me to right resources about this matter :)

    Thank you very much.

    submitted by /u/EddieBoong
    [link] [comments]

    Intro to Ethereum- Blockchain Development: Ethereum Course

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 02:39 PM PDT

    Hey r/ethereum! You can now shop on computeruniverse using crypto!

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 02:15 PM PDT

    Hey r/ethereum! You can now shop on computeruniverse using crypto!

    Hi All,

    FYI We have added Computer Universe into our supported store list so you can buy any electronics from them using crypto of your choice! Try it out, we are available on chrome and android!

    Also let us know how well we did, any feedback is appreciated!


    submitted by /u/Bitstore-tech
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    Made some diagrams to explain the confusing parts of the Eth 2.0 spec visually. [OC, feedback/contributions welcome]

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 10:15 AM PDT

    Intro to Solidity Linting and Formatting (x-post r/ethdev)

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 06:17 AM PDT

    Blockchain Brad Interview with Quant Network CEO - 570 Banks, Rearchitecting the Financial System (DeFi), QNT being listed on Traditional Stock Exchanges this year, Expanding to Asia, Partnered with Oracle, Connecting Binance Chain to Enterprises, Telecoms, Patents and much more

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 11:09 AM PDT


    Recommend you watch the entire video (is long but lots of information that explains the scale of this project). Overview of some of the main points below with time stamps so you can refer to the video. Blockchain Brad does really indepth Reviews on projects and doesn't get paid for them so definitely worth checking out his channel as well.

    02:15 - Explains verticals Quant are targeting - Financial services, Government, Healthcare, manufacturing, supply chain, IOT

    03:40 Bank client that went with hyperledger fabric 2 years ago and used Overledger to migrate to another blockchain

    4:35 Working with 570 banks

    5:15 - "What ripple have been trying to do talk to each bank and sign them on 1 by 1, IBM with stellar i've heard that hasn't gone to well lately so we are looking into it. They are trying to sign on banks 1 by 1 and that's going to take a long time to do it

    6:15 every bank has a payment gateway - does SWIFT, domestic payments, credit cards, international payments whatever the gateway does and SIA runs that infrastructure, secure and regulated by the Bank of Italy, complies to the highest level of security and I ran a similar environment in the UK on behalf of the Bank of England.

    So all of these banks have all of these gateways, and on these gateways Sia has SIAChain which is there implementation of 3 blockchains, Corda, Hyperledger Fabric and Ethereum and so these blockchains already exist within that network and there are applications running on them today and what we are doing is these applications are limited because they are running on one blockchain and we're bringing interopreability to it to create cross platform banking applications, core banking applications, this is rearchitecting the banking system that use Overledger and all the different blockchains, but more importantly to allow all these banking systems to connect and interoperate, so this is a big deal, your taking closed secure banking networks and allowing them to interoperate to create new multi chain applications to work across cross border networks

    10:26 the clients we are working with banking is just the start, we're working with government, working in research in a huge conglomerate, these are going to use Overledger internally for their group which is all around the world

    10:54 we're allowing business interoperability, allowing trade corridors between countries and companies across borders which are not there today, and when you think about whats happening with digital assets and people are making their own tokens - JP Morgan's coin is a great exmaple, i don't see why every other bank is not going to have their own token, so there could be a HSBC one, Santander etc, everyone is going to have their own banking internal token which is used for internal accounting purposes, moving assets. We are allowing banks to communicate openly with each other

    14:50 Our vision is to be the foundation of the next financial system (DeFi) and we are reacrchitecting this and we are not just working with retail and commercial banks but also regulators and central banks, this is the level that we are working with.

    16:38 570 banks they are going to use the technology at scale and we're not just having an application that does one thing, we're doing payments, clearing, settlement across different networks for all these banks

    18:07 what we are doing with our architecture is automating and digitizing that across different blockchains and settling between different types of currencies, tokens, assets, value in real time and that's going to fundamentally change the financial system, this is a global financial change to the financial system we are not just doing bank to bank, we are re-architecting how finance works in the future

    19:20 We ran the payment infrastructure for the bank of england and that's treated as the government as critical national infrastructure, thats the highest level of criticality because its so fundamental to the security of the country. By having the experience and know what it takes to run a secure financial infrastrcuture and meeting the requirements of the regulators. First you meet the regulators, explain how it works

    24:52 And now we're expanding to the US where we have clients lining up that want to work with us over there. We're going to build US Market specific products from the US, for the US market using Overledger, we're looking at things beyond just banking and payments, we're looking at traditional exchanges, digital assets, asset management, and the same for Australia and other regions.

    27:27 we are really looking at ASIA, especially around singapore, hong kong and we are working with partners to go there, just yesterday we had a meeting with a $8 billion company based in the ASIA region and they want to use Overledger for their clients and they are going to help us expand to that region, once we partner with the right bigger players

    34:45 We have been talking to Binance about adding Binance chain and connected Binance chain into Overledger means all the enterprises running permissioned blockchains can access Binance chain through Overledger for the first time, as you can't today there's no way to do it. As well as everyone on Binance chain being able to talk to enterprises resulting in more customers for both parties, but also allows Binance chain to use Ripple, Ethereum, EOS etc through Overledger.

    49:08 Oracle is one of our partners, they love what we are doing, they have looked at the technology and said interoperability is something all our customers are wanting and we are working together, we are part of the Oracle Startup ecosystem and there's more coming from that space, enterprises love the technology and its not just Oracle, but others that i can mention once allowed that want to take our technology at scale to their customers because it solves the biggest painpoints for enterprises and from a competition perspective rather than building they are partnering.

    50:04 These are multinational global organisations with 100,000 + employees, this is the scale that we are working towards to take Overledger to the mass market. We can't do it one by one in each country and sign them up but we can partner with someone that has 100 customers and they can take it to all their customers as well which helps with the adoption of our technology

    53:25. Regarding exchanges we are under NDA with a few but we are focusing on Exhcanges which are good enough for the volume and the clients and the scale that we bring. Just being transparent we are looking at traditional exchanges that also have the ability to look at Digital Assets and Quant Token is a digital asset, the market has changed since last year the big players have onboarded the ability to talk and transact digital assets on traditional exchanges that do stocks and bonds and derivatives and all traditional finance products. The market especially in Europe there's some regulatory stuff in the US that some are waiting to clear and thats fine but we're going to cater for all markets because what we bring is that Enterprise depth and volume because people need the QNT token and its explained in the Utility paper.

    54:58 You need the QNT token to access the ecosystem, you need it for transactions and volume and from a security perspective nothing will run unless you have the tokens and all transactions have to be signed and validated and encrypted using the keys and the QNT token for security purposes, so without it nothing will work

    55:40 Regarding when are we going to see the traditional exchanges - is it going to be sometime this year - yes absolutely, definitely sometime this year.

    1:06:25 we have a couple of development houses that are using Overledger in telecoms for their customers and looking at royalties and building that on Overledger which is all multi chain. We've got some others in banking that are separate to the SIA banks and supply chain and yes there's lot of clients.

    1:08:30 People need to understand that patents are key to keeping the IP and the value of the technology you're building and like every other technology company like Apple, Microsoft or whatever they all have hundreds of patents to protect

    Last week we had one which was published and that's taken around 2 years to get to that level and then we just add more patents to support that one and then we have to go different jurisdictions. It's very important to us because you're keeping the value of the technology and you're protecting the value of the technology and if someone tries to copy it we've got the patents that protect it and helps the company

    1:11:30 No we're not planning to exit, we're here for the long run, we see the potential, our customers see the potential we have a lot of investors talking to us who see the potential of what we are doing. we have the managing director of Rockefeller Capital Management on our board and there's other people at that level are going to join as well and so we're taking this as a long term thing and globally. We have had queries about that from a few in the last year and we have said no, not interested

    You can also find out more info about Quant at the following:



    submitted by /u/xSeq22x
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