• Breaking News

    Friday, June 28, 2019

    Bitcoin Cash Changing The Narrative - How We Market Ourselves Part 2: Stop Calling the BTC chain just "Bitcoin"

    Bitcoin Cash Changing The Narrative - How We Market Ourselves Part 2: Stop Calling the BTC chain just "Bitcoin"

    Changing The Narrative - How We Market Ourselves Part 2: Stop Calling the BTC chain just "Bitcoin"

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 08:58 AM PDT

    Marketing is important and effective. In a prior post I suggested we market ourselves in an easy to understand way, leaving out tech details like block size:


    That discussion resulted in good ideas, like calling ourselves "the merchant-friendly Bitcoin" or "Bitcoin for Payments". (I personally like 'Bitcoin upgraded for payments')

    With the recent BTC blockchain chaos and sub-par user experience (which was all too predictable) I think it's also important to change our own language about the BTC blockchain. We should STOP calling it just "Bitcoin". It's not Bitcoin. By no metric is it Bitcoin. What small-blockers are doing isn't what Satoshi Nakamoto invented or intended. That's just a fact. When the original BTC community started it contained both big-blockers and small-blockers both working side by side (while arguing) to build up BTC. It can be said big-blockers failed to raise the block size by their demands, which was 95% of the community favoring any change, and so big-blockers were forced to fork off. If that reasoning means we can't claim to be just "Bitcoin" ourselves (at least for now) then fine. We respect that. We clearly differentiate ourselves with the name "Bitcoin Cash" and ticker "BCH". However, at the same time, the small-blockers shouldn't get to keep the "Bitcoin" brand alone because what they did was a change too! And while small-blockers have supporters they clearly didn't have 95% of the community agreeing to their permanent 1MB roadmap. So why do they get to be presented to the world as just "Bitcoin"?

    The only reason they are called "Bitcoin" is because the BTC chain was what everyone built all original infrastructure on, all exchanges, wallets, block explorers etc. So when the split happened BCH was added to the marketplace, but "Bitcoin" underwent no change! This leads to the false impression in the wider world, for non-techies that don't understand block size, that the BTC chain is the one all the hype and enthusiasm was about in the early days; that the current BTC chain is what Bitcoin Jesus (Roger Ver) recommended so passionately! That is misleading and just plain wrong.

    So how do we change this? It starts with ourselves. We must stop calling the BTC blockchain "Bitcoin". We can refer to it as just the BTC chain or at most, Bitcoin BTC, which at least can make people wonder why the BTC part must always be there. But NEVER refer to it as just "Bitcoin". The BTC blockchain is a travesty of what Bitcoin was meant to be and certainly doesn't deserve to retain that badge of honor or title.

    submitted by /u/cryptos4pz
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    People from all over the world have opened accounts to trade Bitcoin Cash anonymously and without any KYC on Local.Bitcoin.com. Almost 1,000 BCH has already been exchanged privately through blind escrow via the new platform.

    Posted: 27 Jun 2019 09:38 PM PDT

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