• Breaking News

    Thursday, May 30, 2019

    Ethereum Yesterday, the Ethereum network broke its record for Total Daily Gas Used -- EthGasStation

    Ethereum Yesterday, the Ethereum network broke its record for Total Daily Gas Used -- EthGasStation

    Yesterday, the Ethereum network broke its record for Total Daily Gas Used -- EthGasStation

    Posted: 30 May 2019 09:05 AM PDT

    I'm worried about the security of compound v2 contracts..

    Posted: 30 May 2019 09:45 AM PDT

    I couldn't find a compound specific subreddit so this is the best place I can think of to post this.We all know compound v2 was just released. The announcement of the launch 1 week ago only says this about security:

    Compound v2 was audited by Trail of Bits, and the protocol was formally verified in partnership with Certora. As with all smart contract platforms, there may be undiscovered issues — Compound offers a significant bug bounty, if you find anything amiss.

    Clicking the Certora Link offers nothing of substance. Apparently a BETA VERSION of their service was scheduled to be released in February 2019. Their FAQ says they apparently "develop unique technology which can reason about [smart contracts] in an accurate way." Sounds wonderful but we have no idea if it works.

    If you click the Trail of Bits audit link you'll see the following:

    Between March 4th and March 22nd, 2019, Trail of Bits assessed the smart contracts of the Compound v2 Ethereum codebase. Two engineers conducted this assessment over the course of six person-weeks.

    ...We reviewed:

    ● Compound v2 whitepaper and protocol specification

    ● money-market v2.1-Beta1

    ● money-market commit 4c93c9363d5f554717e5a880b74c052acaee7558


    Total High Severity Issues: 3

    Just so we have this straight: 2 months ago a total of 2 engineers spent a total of 3 weeks looking at the entire project including the whitepaper, protocol specification, javascript test cases, and the contracts themselves. They found 3 high severity issues.

    If you try to find the commits that were cited YOU CAN'T BECAUSE COMPOUND HASN'T PUT THEIR V2 CONTRACTS ON GITHUB. You can see the source of deployed contracts on etherscan.io but who knows what version they are or how the team addressed the issues raised by the auditors.


    THESE CONTRACTS ARE CURRENTLY SECURING > $23 MILLION. Just 2 people audited them for just 3 weeks. They launched the contracts only 2 months after the audit. Their code isn't fully open source so we can't assess the auditor's report ourselves or the team's competence. Compound v1 already had a critical bug found after launch!

    Compare this to MakerDAO who had their code audited by 4 separate teams, they've had their code fully open sourced and formally verified with proof since September and they STILL HAVEN'T RELEASED YET out of an abundance of caution.

    submitted by /u/ethDreamer
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    Chainlink: Connected Consensus on Ethereum

    Posted: 30 May 2019 02:01 PM PDT

    Kleros-Realitio announce the launch of a dispute resolution-backed Oracle: "Kleros-Realitio Oracle Service - Getting Real Information On-Chain"

    Posted: 30 May 2019 05:41 PM PDT

    How MakerDAO Works -- The Stablecoin Explainer [Coindesk Video]

    Posted: 30 May 2019 03:56 AM PDT

    Solidity is Twice as Popular as the Next Blockchain Coding Language

    Posted: 30 May 2019 09:40 AM PDT

    Moloch DAO explained: Using self-interest to Ethereum's advantage -- Concourse Open

    Posted: 30 May 2019 03:50 PM PDT

    Web 3.0 solutions for game development: Golem and Hoard — partners in crime

    Posted: 30 May 2019 09:56 AM PDT

    Ethereum Istanbul Roadmap Update [ethereum.wiki]

    Posted: 30 May 2019 09:44 AM PDT

    Ethex Lotto is a provably fair crypto-lottery game with huge prizes and big chances to win. You don't even need to guess any numbers in order to win. Built on Ethereum. It will be huge.

    Posted: 30 May 2019 09:03 AM PDT

    3Box Profile Hovers v2

    Posted: 30 May 2019 10:53 AM PDT

    What websites and tools you daily use for doing crypto related research? Such as DeFI DAI lending/interests, Coincheck, blockchain stats, Smart Contracts and or blockchain tracing online tools?

    Posted: 30 May 2019 05:19 PM PDT

    • Like coincheckup for coin research
    • defipulse for lending/interests check
    • bloxy.info for blockchain deep insights and more..?
    submitted by /u/cryptobuy_org
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    Posted: 30 May 2019 12:31 PM PDT

    Hedgehog, hiding wallet complexity and not forcing users to confirm transactions

    Posted: 30 May 2019 02:39 PM PDT

    Cereneum and CrypTrove Games Partnership

    Posted: 30 May 2019 05:30 PM PDT

    Cereneum has announced that they have partnered with the blockchain game studio CrypTrove Games to integrate Cereneum as the in-game currency for their 2 upcoming titles.

    From the CrypTrove website section about Terra Novus:

    The game seems to be a Trading Card Game that will allow users to tokenize their cards to have full ownership of them to sell, trade, or use in battles. They seem to recognize that some mechanics like mana flood and mana screw common in Magic: The Gathering are anti-fun and hope to improve this, but realize that super random mechanics like Hearthstone has are also bad. CrypTrove plans to hold tournaments with prizes that include cards, prestige, and valuable prize pools!

    From the CrypTrove website section about King's Ascension:

    The game seems to be an RPG Dungeon Crawler that will allow users to tokenize their items to have full ownership of them to sell, trade, or use to push further content. There is a deep crafting system that opens a path to creating powerful(and valuable) items that can earn the user money in more way than 1. A portion of each dungeon run will go towards a global pool that will be paid out to players that can beat the game quickly!

    Be sure to check out both the Cereneum and Cryptrove at the websites!: https://www.cereneum.com https://www.cryptrovegames.com

    submitted by /u/WhenAdoption
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    Transaction out of gas & cancelled, yet I haven't received my coins back.

    Posted: 30 May 2019 04:16 AM PDT

    I tried to make a small transfer but the transaction says out of gas, so i tried it again but same thing. I now have two transactions that show as "canceled". I'm pretty sure that means I'll receive the coins back but when?


    submitted by /u/bitcoin_halp
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    ETH Treasure Hunt - recap

    Posted: 30 May 2019 11:10 AM PDT

    Congrats to u/Arpox for taking out the prize with a creative finish. It was a tight race in the end with u/mooncritic coming painfully close..

    The Eth treasure hunt started out as a pretty average product:

    - Some of the answers were too ambiguous which probably didn't make it fun; u/sleekstrike spent hours on this thing without getting anywhere

    - I wasn't tracking guesses, so I had no idea which answers people were struggling with

    With that said, the feedback you guys gave really helped polish the game, particularly u/adamaid_321, u/mooncritic and u/sleekstrike

    The Ticket purchase redistribution had a lot of negative response. It was important to me because I believe this type of thing will drive crypto adoption - and can be done in a good way.

    This might not make sense, but here's why:


    Currently, crypto is competing with traditional fiat payment systems and it's getting outdone for a reason.

    So thanks to everyone who took part in the hunt or provided feedback.

    Let me know if you got any comments or future suggestions.

    submitted by /u/heatransferate
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    Galleass.io -- Fully decentralized, hand-painted, age of sail, resource mgmt game built on the Etheruem blockchain

    Posted: 30 May 2019 09:08 AM PDT

    Audius just launched a Metamask alternative optimized for consumer adoption

    Posted: 30 May 2019 12:51 PM PDT

    ETH + ERC20 wallet - Can you help me chose the best one?

    Posted: 30 May 2019 09:02 AM PDT

    Hello dear, Ethereum people,

    I am long time crypto guy and I am doing some cleaning before next bull run (which is hopefully here) and i hold many little ERC20 tokens in my metamask (small amounts).

    And I would love to have some better wallet. I would love to see how individual assets are doing over time and i like nice designs. So i come here for a bit of advice. Can you help me find some reasonable wallet for this?

    I ll be happy for any recommendation. Hope its not too much trouble :)

    Thanks :)

    submitted by /u/EddieBoong
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    Augur Weekly Report — May 29th

    Posted: 29 May 2019 09:05 PM PDT

    Fundamentals of Smart Contract Security, the first book on Smart Contract Security written by Quantstamp is now available for pre-order

    Posted: 30 May 2019 02:47 PM PDT

    A new smart contract protocol built on Ethereum functioning to incentivize market makers.

    Posted: 30 May 2019 04:50 AM PDT

    Introducing Aragon Fundraising

    Posted: 30 May 2019 08:51 AM PDT

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