Cryptocurrency Daily Discussion Megathread - December 7, 2018 |
- Daily Discussion Megathread - December 7, 2018
- I was feeling down about the markets today, then my wife send me this:
- rekted
- Everyone will soon be able to relive the magic of paying 10,000 BTC for a pizza!
- Lessons learned - Crypto and Divorce - In January I was a millionaire thanks to BTC, then my wife divorces me and now I have $30,000 AMA
- My Kid Came Home From School Today With This!!! It Was Handed Out To Every Child!!!
- Feel bad about your losses? If ETH drops another $4 this guy is going to lose 8 million dollars according to his margin contract
- Something to learn from today
- CoinView released a free tool that helps any programmer to develop dApps without worrying about blockchain. Tools like this are closing the gap between the blockchain and the 'outside world,' forcing our ecosystem to grow.
- Sony to adopt Blockchain technology to help creatives protect their intellectual property
- Step 1: Acceptance
- Bitcoin is now below my first bitcoin purchase price. I made $230,000 and then lost $240,000 since August 2017.
- I don't understand the pessimists in this sub - Am I delusional?
- Blackmoon Rolled Out A Strategy Allowing To Generate Returns Opposite The Performance Of ETH
- Cheap Electricity From Iran is a Solution Chinese Bitcoin Mining Investors
- I love that @coinbase still have this page on their website. ��
- What is currently happening in Crypto, as someone who does Forex
- I stopped looking at my portfolio.
- Congratulations to Tether for becoming the 5th largest cryptocurrency by Marketcap!
- My Wife Is A Hodler - She’s A Keeper Boys
- US Congressman is Working On a Bill To Exempt ICOs and Cryptos From Securities Laws
- From $4,350 to $117: Is Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Entering Death Spiral?
- Japan’s SBI Group and R3 Join Hands to Promote Corda Blockchain in Asia | BTC Wires
- When the bear has been strong this year !
- Follow The Pros. Avoid The Clowns
- US Congressman is Working On a Bill To Exempt ICOs and Cryptos From Securities Laws
Daily Discussion Megathread - December 7, 2018 Posted: 06 Dec 2018 10:04 PM PST Welcome to the Daily Discussion Megathread. Please read the disclaimer, guidelines, and rules before participating. To see the latest Weekly Skeptics thread, click here To see the latest Weekly Support Discussion, click here
Disclaimer: Though karma rules still apply, moderation is less stringent on this thread than on the rest of the sub. Therefore, consider all information posted here with several liberal heaps of salt, and always cross check any information you may read on this thread with known sources. Any trade information posted in this open thread may be highly misleading, and could be an attempt to manipulate new readers by known "pump and dump (PnD) groups" for their own profit. BEWARE of such practices and excercise utmost caution before acting on any trade tip mentioned here. PnDs and brigades are not sanctioned by the mod team in any way as they violate rule III. If you discover this thread is being used for these activities, bring it to the mod teams's notice via the modmail.
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I was feeling down about the markets today, then my wife send me this: Posted: 06 Dec 2018 01:44 PM PST
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Posted: 06 Dec 2018 09:18 AM PST
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Everyone will soon be able to relive the magic of paying 10,000 BTC for a pizza! Posted: 06 Dec 2018 07:00 PM PST Live your dreams! Everyone has always wanted to experience the thrill of being the random dude that started it all! Just kidding! There aren't any pizza places that accept BTC anymore! They all went bankrupt! [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 06 Dec 2018 11:44 AM PST Crossreferencing u/nanoissuperior He wrote earlier today: Title: In January I was a millionaire thanks to Nano, now I have $25,000 AMA I was replying to his post, but my reply ended up being a bit too large as a reply and steered off-topic, albeit an interesting one. So I decided to make it its own post, because there may be a good lessons to be learned and hoping some will come forward with good information to be shared. I hope it can help anyone on this sub avoid the costly mistakes that I made. Here it goes: FLAIR: LEGAL (not in the list) ---- u/nanoissuperior are you who I think you are? I won't give out any further identifying clues, but I happen to know someone in the exact same position that could have written that exact same headline. If you read the first paragraph, you'll know if you know me. The person I know bought Nano really early, based on a tip from a friend. I got in much later. By the time he told me it had already spiked to the $5 range, when I ended up buying. I then sold in the $20's so it was a good buy nonetheless. We were former colleagues at a large, large software company somewhere in the PNW, I left the company to venture out on my own and try to launch some projects I had in mind and relocated overseas for a few years. We lost contact with each other during my time away, but we connected again during the market runup and started exchanging coin information on a daily basis during the big bull run of late 2017. That was a crazy time.... the market trend was a few degrees short of vertical for pretty much all coins! Hey, guess what? Now that I think about it, I could have written that same headline myself! In January 2018 I was a Millionaire too! Not with Nano, but thanks to purchasing a good chunk of Bitcoin in 2011 at $1.20 each. I ended up a single digit millionaire with what I had left in Bitcoin around January of 2018. And, just like you, today, from all that wealth, I have about $30.000 left, with little to show for. Can we call that even? Although my disaster was not caused entirely by market fluctuation; Mine is a more complex story and I am going to mention it, because hopefully, it could serve as a lesson to be learned for any crypto holder out there, so they don't make the make mistake I made: Don't trust anyone. Always be skeptical and watch out for your own interests. Anyhow, here it goes: After 5 years overseas, I had enough and wanted to come back to the States. My wife stated her preference to stay abroad, but eventually, she conceded albeit reluctantly. We chose a small town in CO to settle, and landed in November of 2017. We had plans to settle down and considered purchasing a home with my/our new fortune, based on the market price during that period. At the same time, I was also hesitant about the inherent tax payments due caused by such large liquidation. I was trying to have to pay taxes as far away as possible. So, I decided to wait till New Year's Eve and started liquidating my crypto on January 1st, 2018 right after midnight. This way, I would have 16 months (till April, 2019) to pay any capital gains taxes, and I was confident at the time that the market would give me that for free, especially at the pace that it was going. I have been an early adopter and have since then acquired the high levels of verification and trading limits per week, with many exchanges, but for a large sum like this, I needed several separate transactions, over the course of several weeks, especially wanting to do it with a US-based exchange that was linked to a US bank accounts, to avoid overseas wire transfers, meaning more fees. (Yes, I did look at all OTC options, but for reasons not relevant to the story, I couldn't make it happen, so I had to use the traditional Exchange channels for asset liquidation). My wife and I, initially had some fundamental disagreements on the gross amount to be spent and the type of property we should be purchasing. I wanted a smaller place, with a denser, younger community, where there'd be kids our son's age for him to play. She insisted that we should go big; we had been traveling for so many years, and we had not been able to call any of our past residences our home. It was time to settle and nest; She convinced me that we should own a property of our own that we would be proud of living in for years. One that we could own outright and would not easily outgrow. We ended up splurging and purchased in cash two luxury cars for ourselves and set our sights on a large dream house in the city's Golf & Country Club, free and clear, for us and our two kids. I don't even play golf, nor do I even like it, but, if it makes her happy and it is within the safe margins of making it happen, I figured, why not? My concerns were largely financial and the numbers were adding up. It was a bit tight against my personal safe margins, but, at the same time, I was imagining to never have to make, or even have to think about, a car or home mortgage payment ever again! Bitcoin is on a roll and there is no sign of it stopping. Fine. Let's do it, before I change my mind. Now, I admit I was extremely lucky with choosing the time of when to sell the assets. I had no clue the market would take a dive in February, and so it seemed to many that I had timed the market perfectly, selling most of my coins in the first two weeks of January of 2018. Many called me a genius for selling at the very top, as if I had some sort of wisdom to know when it would drop; the truth is much less flattering; it was nothing but dumb luck, based on me wanting to pay taxes in 2018 and defer to 2019. Awesome, well done! Yeah? well, slow down, son, not so fast. So, I gather the 7-digit lumpsum in January 2018 and we write a check for the full amount at closing in February on the property of her dreams. A property that could easily be showcased on a luxury Real Estate magazine cover. Also, remember we had just moved back to the United States with just a few suitcases each from overseas. We had no furniture, kitchenware, curtains, TV's, bed sheets, winter clothing and so many other essential things that one usually purchases over time, but which we now had to purchase all at once. Not a problem, Bitcoin had dropped slightly but still well above $15k, I believe, at the time. And, earlier, in January, I had diligently taken this expense into account and effortlessly set aside a small fortune for equipping such a large house with everything we would ever need, brand new. It seemed we were protagonists of one of the Home Makeover Shows. Finally, after working day and night, prepping the house non-stop for days and when every piece of furniture had finally arrived, been unpacked and carried to its corresponding room, it seemed most of the essentials were in place and the hard work was done. I longed for pouring myself a Scotch and to finally sit down and enjoy the fruits of my labor. I head downstairs to the dedicated walk-in, cigar-humidor / wine / Scotch cellar in the basement and grab the better bottle of Whisky of the few bottles of Scotch that I had bought earlier in the week. On my way up, I remember feeling a sense of calm, combined with a glow of excitement and this undescribable profound inner peace, all at once. This was such a rare, natural, non-drug induced high that I had never experienced. It felt so good! This sense of accomplishment of achieving that one thing I had been chasing and longing for my entire life. I had expected I would be chasing this goal for the next 15-20 years, and yet, here it was. No, where I was, was even better than expected! A place where not even my parents, who still have to make their monthly mortgage payments. I had done it! With a smile from ear to ear, I take a deep breath of relief and while looking around the property, I think to myself: "It's perfect, everything is in place and I can finally call this our home. We are so lucky and we are going to live a great life. A life that few can only dream of. So many concerns will be lifted and become redundant. Everything will be better. I'll start a fire in one of our two fireplaces and I am going to begin enjoying my semi-retired life with the first sip of my drink. That will be the official start of our new life". I head over to the kitchen to get a glass and some ice cubes, while I struggle to find which one is the freezer among the many drawers in the kitchen. It was then when I notice a handwritten note placed front and center on the kitchen counter. It is from my wife and read: "There is no easy way to say this, so I am just going to say it..... I want to legally divorce [ ...]". It continued saying that she had taken our son, and had unequivocally decided to leave me. She had already filed the paperwork for divorce and that I should expect to be served in the morning. My bliss had lasted less than 5 minutes and in less than two seconds, it turned dark, somber and I saw it all crumbling down in front of me. Like a long-awaited rocket launch, years in preparation, which then unexpectedly explodes on the launch pad during the countdown. My stomach, heart and everything in my body just sank and melted into one ball of poison in my core. I felt like throwing up. I was completely blindsided; she had played the game all along, not giving me the slightest hint of what was being concocted in the background. She had already engaged with her lawyers weeks beforehand. Her mother was already in town from another state to help out with I don't know what. I had been gaslighted and was threatened by her that I needed to see a psychiatrist due to a change in my temper that I had supposedly developed - my temper was awesome: with BTC at that price? Everything was perfect! But I obeyed and went anyhow (this would later fit her story that she had to leave with the child because she feared for her safety due to my supposed temper for which I was under treatment, therefore, I must have this temper problem, see?). Also, the purchase of the overpriced home also seemed clearly premeditated: Price was the main driver of the decision making; not location, demographics, taxes, etc. It was the wrong neighborhood for us (people much older than us, retired, golfers and no kids the same age as our son to play with). Our house happened to also be the most expensive in the neighborhood. I can see it all so clearly now. See, your crypto coins on the blockchain, are not within the US court's jurisdiction (or, at least, it's quite debatable - a gray area - ask me for the seed and I can tell you that I may have the seed, or that I may not have the seed, I may have the wrong seed, I may have forgotten it, I may have lost it - you can't prove I did not forget, or lost it, etc). However, once it is in FIAT in a bank, or invested in a property, the courts can rule on the asset(s), freeze, disburse or order a sale of the property, etc. It's done all the time. Also, the coins were technically mine, and by definition private property (not to be divided during the divorce) as they were acquired before the marriage. I could not prove its origins (I bought many of them via direct messaging members on and mining rather than exchanges, so no records, receipts or nothing to prove otherwise: the big exchanges like BitStamp and Coinbase didn't start operations till 2013, if I m not mistaken. Instead, I would talk to one of the forum members offering coins we'd agree on a price, I'd send a check to wherever the individual seller instructed me to (Russia, Bulgaria, Japan, UK. etc) and the coins would be deposited to whatever address I provided. Yes, it was quite crude at the time. However, once I converted my coins to cash and used that cash to buy a property for the benefit of the family, it became common property and thus she then had rights to a portion of it when divided between the two parties should a divorce occur - which ended up being almost 3/4 of all assets. I was robbed in broad daylight. By the one person, I trusted with my life. The one you should trust with your life. Your life partner. And while I was in complete denial, trying to bargain, I waited too long to obtain good legal representation. When I finally ended up getting a lawyer, I was quite distraught and I clearly did not do the proper research and this resulted in a less than stellar performance and detrimental to me at many key steps in the process. I had to switch legal representation right before mediation and I can't blame my new lawyer either, as (s)he did not have the required time to catch up on all the details, (s)he did his/her best, but I was ultimately strongarmed into conceding my soon-to-be-ex-wife to let her return to the house, in exchange to obtain 50% of my son's custody, with serious and strict clauses I had to abide by. So, I had to move out, find a hole in the wall in a student apartment, pay my rent and pay our kids pre-school, while she lives grandiose, without monthly payments in the country club, till the house sells, which will likely be in the spring of next year. Nice! Due to my delay, legal mishandling and somehow every other element in her favor, she inexplicably ended up with around 3/4 of the worth of all assets, free and clear, no taxes due. Mind you, she has never financially contributed, nor made a single $ during our entire marriage. She has never worked and had $0 in her pocket when we married. She didn't even have a checking account, well in her thirties. She is no dummy; she is street smart, knows how to manipulate people, get her way with flirting and charm, while I am more intellectual and book smart. and She beat me hands-down. She is walking away with a sum of, not quite 7 figures, but close. With what I am left with from the sale of the house, I am responsible to pay for all the capital gains taxes from the liquidation to the IRS, which are due in April 2019. I don't expect there to be more left over than the estimated $30k mentioned above. Hate the market all you want, I made peace with the market and am keeping busy at hating my ex for a while for putting me in the same situation. She tripped me 1 yard before the finish line and pushed me in the prickly bushes, to cross it by herself. Go figure. When I am done hating her, I'll get back to rebuilding my life again from scratch. I am not worried, I have done it before. Just pissed, I was so close and that I was so naive to not see it coming. Sorry, I am not meaning to hijack the thread, just wanted you to know that others may have lost more than just "free" money; money we didn't really have to work for. We were the lucky ones. It is what I keep telling myself to stop me from jumping off a bridge. PS - Woah: Sorry for the wall of text; I was just going to write the first paragraph and ended up venting about my current situation. I know, I should take this issue to /r/depressed, /r/exes or /r/whereisthenearestbridgeIcanjumpfrom. Hopefully, this can be a lesson to those holding crypto and some can learn what NOT to do. I learned the hard way and was left with nothing. Don't be a nice guy. Don't trust anyone with your crypto. Anyhow, I am sure either our vigilant subreddit bot, or one of the mods will remove my post for not adhering to rule, and if not, I am sure that you fine people will downvote me to hell. Go ahead. Take away from me the little Karma I left too! Thanks! I learned many lessons, but here are some key ones [IANAL - any crypto-educated AL opinion appreciated here, thanks] : - Understand the concept of private property - property you acquire before getting married. INAL - this depends on the state legislation, but it is hard to prove with crypto, especially if you obtained your crypto through foreign exchanges, outside of legal jurisdictions, the petitioner might not understand or willing to invest in obtaining subpoenas and requests to businesses operating overseas, as this may result costly. - Get a lawyer who understands, or is willing to understand crypto, its benefits of being somewhat unreachable and how that can work for you. Don't let them shortchange you with: "well, let's just convert the rest to cash, because that I understand" type of reasoning. - If you do go to mediation, the above applies as well. This arbitrator or mediator needs to be one that understands the intrinsic details of crypto - for example, during the ATH, I bought 6 digits worth in $USD of Stellar. I used the very first version of the software, supporting Stellar on my hardware device, and put it all in a cold storage wallet somewhere around January. I routinely checked on my coins on the blockchain and they are there. A few months later, I try to access my account and the device returns a different public address, which contains 0 funds. I am still trying to debug this issue with the manufacturer, but the fact is that I was accused of hiding these coins or negligence and was demanded that I paid half of what was lost. or not lost, out of my pocket for money that I didn't have access either. I tried to explain it in the simplest terms, there are risks involved with using first come software. There is no 1800 number, mo tech support. no CEO, no, you can't call the BBB and complain, etc and no one seemed to be able to understand, nor willing to either. It became a huge roadblock for which I had to concede, not cash, but a concession, I was not wanting to concede. The petitioner leaned on the fact that I was either wilfully cheating or stupid enough to lose the coins and managed to create enough doubt in my character and integrity and there was nothing rational I could explain that she, or anyone else in the room would understand. Perhaps mutually contracting a seasoned crypto expert that can offer a neutral view and give his/her opinion might be worth considering. Andreas, where were you when I needed you? :) - Other examples were some coins I had bought in 2012 and gifted to some of her family's kids. I was holding these, till they would turn 16 for them to pay themselves their college, or so I told them. These coins were demanded back by the petitioner. Ok, I suggested that I would send them, but with a CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY value with a block height of let's say,10 years from now, out of fear that she would spend the coins and the kids would never know (they are toddlers). No one understood what I was talking about, I was made out the crazy one, I gave up, sent her the coins, unlocked and, just as I expected, within 20 minutes of receiving them, she spent $1200 worth of it (for a flight, I think). If you are the only one speaking your language, no one is willing to listen or make an effort to understand you. - It appears my coins were private property, which means, that I acquired them before the marriage and in case of divorce, if I have not moved them or used them for the common good of the marriage, then they remain mine. However, I liquidated them and cash ended up in my checking account to be used to buy groceries, cars and eventually a house, and it is then that they became common property. Only once they landed in my checking account on which she is named on. It appears that had I taken proper legal precautions with documentation, or a company/trust, where that money would have gone, instead of my checking accounts, elsewhere, I would have still been able to be the legal proprietor of the resulting cash. I can't quite remember the details, but it as something that was explained to me afterward, and I honestly think I just tuned it out, because it made me sick to know I could have held on to my wealth. Perhaps a lawyer can chime in? Again, much of the lack of information and every misstep taken was because of dealing with people that are accustomed to traditional assets and will not deviate from it. Crypto is different and is treated differently. It is so important to know the strengths and weaknesses when going into litigation about something that people don't understand. - Some more I can think of, but this post is getting way out of hand in size. Feel free to comment/suggest your own and I'll add more to the comments. Credits to: u/nanoissuperior Thanks for your post, it inspired me to write this one. Anyone, any karma you feels needs to go his way, for providing the source of inspiration, please give to O-OP. [link] [comments] | ||
My Kid Came Home From School Today With This!!! It Was Handed Out To Every Child!!! Posted: 06 Dec 2018 07:13 PM PST
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Posted: 06 Dec 2018 06:47 PM PST | ||
Posted: 06 Dec 2018 05:24 PM PST When Bitcoin SV goes up 21% and the rest of the market goes down 10-20% two things are happening and becoming quite clear 1) Whales have complete control over the market and futures have completely destroyed Bitcoins original intentions 2) Roger Ver/Jihan Wu and Craig Wright are fucking pieces of shit who have potentially ruined Cryptocurrency due to their pure greed and small dick egos. Im open to other valid reasons, however I don't want to hear shit about the following.
Time to get real kids, things are not good right now. Go. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 07 Dec 2018 12:51 AM PST
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Sony to adopt Blockchain technology to help creatives protect their intellectual property Posted: 07 Dec 2018 12:15 AM PST
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Posted: 06 Dec 2018 07:03 PM PST
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Posted: 06 Dec 2018 04:54 PM PST
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I don't understand the pessimists in this sub - Am I delusional? Posted: 06 Dec 2018 05:23 AM PST 2017 = Crypto was overhyped for sure. People basically invested in an investment class/products that had no real world use case and even whitepapers (ie. words on a pdf + website) with the goal of making a quick buck. 2018 = We've had a shit year in terms of $ value but lots of developments, partnerships, and some products/platforms coming to life. Yes we're still far off in terms of ease of use and actual use cases, but software development takes time. The last thing we need is a bunch of shit products that haven't gone through appropriate testing. 2019 has me excited and is looking to be a big year. I can't comment on international institutions outside of North America but we're going to witness a war of institutions/banks (maybe a good idea to invest in popcorn). Cryptoccurency exchanges have made a shit ton of a money last year, obviously banks want in. We've got Bakkt and Fidelity launching in Q1 and ErisX (funded by Nasdaq, fidelity, TD Ameritrade , Virtu Financial, & CBOE) in Q2. We're talking institutions worth Billions/Trillions, who have clearly done their research and know there's value in the space. These new exchanges will 1) give legitimacy to crypto 2) Allow more retail investors to join in and 3) let institutions/institutional investors and semi-wealthy everyday/retail individuals join the party Regarding the semi-wealthy individuals - Imagine you make enough money not to worry about money, why would you invest in a non-regulated, gray area, volatile market? There's no point. Your financial life is fine, it's not worth the headache. Once one institution starts to make money via an exchange, obviously others will want to get their share of the pie. Institutions are going to be competing for customers, offering better services, lower fees, larger number of trading pairs, etc. Also, let's take in the fact that I mentioned only 3 exchange platforms, which are going to be run in North America. I know nothing of international banks getting into the space, but it's a matter of time. Why someone would sell or claim "Cryptocurrency is dead" is beyond me. Relax, let 2019 come. This month is limbo, it's a forced vacation from the cryptosphere. I'm not expecting a boom over night, but at least by Q3 2019, we should be in a much better $ value position. [link] [comments] | ||
Blackmoon Rolled Out A Strategy Allowing To Generate Returns Opposite The Performance Of ETH Posted: 06 Dec 2018 11:37 PM PST
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Cheap Electricity From Iran is a Solution Chinese Bitcoin Mining Investors Posted: 07 Dec 2018 02:16 AM PST
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I love that @coinbase still have this page on their website. �� Posted: 07 Dec 2018 03:29 AM PST
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What is currently happening in Crypto, as someone who does Forex Posted: 06 Dec 2018 01:24 PM PST It's fairly simple. The Market Manipulators be it people, corporations or banks have one goal in mind. To buy up all your coins for pennies. They are not stupid, these people pay people millions to just sit at a table and talk about stuff like this(Think Tank). They understand that Crypto is like pandoras box, its open and you can't close it. They also understand that they missed their opportunity in 2012-2016 to get control of the market an they also understand there is only one option. Crash the market, crush your spirits and buy up all your coins for fractions of penny on the dollar. I personally DO NOT have any skin in the crypto game. I have been paying very close to attention to the markets and this subreddit over the last 12 months. My current feeling is that the "end game" of these groups are approaching. That is to hit lows you thought were so impossible, it crushes your spirit and forces you to get rid of your coins, you will rationalize this sell-off by telling yourself, "well I'll use this to buy a car/bike/TV/Xbox/etc". The question we need to ask yourselves is what number is the "spirit crusher", you can probably feel it in your guts what that number is, that is where I predict the market will go. Then the Market Manipulators will buy up all your coins for fractions and then let the markets loose to reach ATH's again, now that they have control of the markets. My gut tells me that this "mega-low" will come soon, in next few months. followed by a reversal in Summer/Autumn 2019 and then a bullish market in 2020. [link] [comments] | ||
I stopped looking at my portfolio. Posted: 06 Dec 2018 07:16 AM PST Probably not the best advice financially but it was good advice for my mental health to stop looking at my portfolio at the start of the year when everything was eating shit and I was watching my hard earned investment burn away, I just checked the current prices and I'll see you guys in another 2 years. [link] [comments] | ||
Congratulations to Tether for becoming the 5th largest cryptocurrency by Marketcap! Posted: 06 Dec 2018 04:23 PM PST
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My Wife Is A Hodler - She’s A Keeper Boys Posted: 06 Dec 2018 08:37 AM PST
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US Congressman is Working On a Bill To Exempt ICOs and Cryptos From Securities Laws Posted: 06 Dec 2018 07:59 PM PST | ||
From $4,350 to $117: Is Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Entering Death Spiral? Posted: 06 Dec 2018 09:10 AM PST
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Japan’s SBI Group and R3 Join Hands to Promote Corda Blockchain in Asia | BTC Wires Posted: 07 Dec 2018 01:46 AM PST
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When the bear has been strong this year ! Posted: 06 Dec 2018 04:26 PM PST
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Follow The Pros. Avoid The Clowns Posted: 06 Dec 2018 06:09 PM PST
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US Congressman is Working On a Bill To Exempt ICOs and Cryptos From Securities Laws Posted: 06 Dec 2018 09:14 AM PST
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