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    Monday, November 26, 2018

    Ripple Daily Ripple/XRP Discussion Thread 11/27/18 [Questions and Price Predictions]

    Ripple Daily Ripple/XRP Discussion Thread 11/27/18 [Questions and Price Predictions]

    Daily Ripple/XRP Discussion Thread 11/27/18 [Questions and Price Predictions]

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 08:06 PM PST

    Hello! It's Tuesday. Welcome to our daily discussion thread.

    You can discuss anything related to Ripple and XRP here.

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    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    How Adoption Plays Out - Speculative

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 02:37 PM PST

    I have spent many hours "connecting the dots" and drawing conclusions on how XRP and the Interledger protocol will gain mass adoption and have generated ideas from massive conspiracy to Ripple being incredibly smart and simply playing the cards they have been dealt very well. There have been a few tweets, comments, and dots that have led me to my most recent conclusion about what Ripple is trying to set up and how it may unfold.

    Recently Cory Johnson has made several interesting comments in Tweet form on on a panel he has recently appeared on, one along the lines of "it's not a question of if this thing takes off but when and Ripple needs to be positioned so they are adopted first" the second interesting thing that has been mentioned twice is something along the lines of "to this date we have no tools availible to prevent the next liquidity crises that was faced in 2008".

    I believe these two comments show just how far ahead Ripple may be planning and why they have made the connections they have. I am a believer that the 2008 crises was never fixed simply covered with a bandaid, printing money to stimulate an economy may work in the short run but only kicks the can further down the road, leads to a bubbled economy, overextended market, and potentially massive inflation.

    I believe the governments of the world understand this and so does Ripple, not that the two are working together but simply have a similar outlook as to what the future holds. Ripple has therefore laid the new value system plumbing and not only become chummy with central banks around the world but have provided POC's showing the benefits ILP and XRP can produce.

    Should the world face another crises printing more money and buying back more assets would only do more harm than good. What better way to stimulate an economy heading into a possible deep recession/depression that inject 10 trillion dollars of already existing capital that is simply unusable in its current state. XRP and the interledger would exist to provide that possibility.

    TL:DR Ripple has positioned themselves to provide the world liquidity in the event of a deep recession/depression by familiarizing governements with XRP/Interledger and their potential economic benefits. Mind you this will not be some switch that is flipped and we are instantly rich but an inlet for quick adoption over 2-3 year period.

    submitted by /u/UnderstandingNow
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    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 04:48 PM PST

    New version of xCurrent 4.0

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 03:47 AM PST

    XRParrot awesome experience

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 08:25 AM PST

    After 1 year in crypto i finally decided to go with Ledger to keep all the coins more safe and to have to control less sites, exchanges, wallets, etc etc.

    After all the set ups, transfer of different coins, etc i decided to try XRParrot.

    UNBELIEVABLE experience.

    This morning i confirmed my phone number and i connected it to my IBAN and the XRP address but was not able to do the transfer because i had my bank code generator at home.

    When i came back to home i went directly to the online service of my bank and did the transfer(i used instant transfer for a commission of 2.5 euros).

    After 10 minutes i had the XRP in my ledger :D

    Really good job WietseWind :D....will use it also next month for sure.

    submitted by /u/mladen90
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    Coincheck Resumes XRP Trading, 10 months On From Infamous $530 Million Theft

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 05:55 AM PST

    Ripple is now a Wave in e-Commerce as Blockchain Crypto Solutions

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 10:06 PM PST

    Accessing Ripple off of closed Rippex Wallet?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 04:55 PM PST

    So I just found out (yea, i know lol) that Rippex closed their wallet... I had about 2600xrp in that wallet.. How can I access and trade to an exchange it to so I can cash out? I can really use the money right now and was hoping I could make a quick switch but got on the site with this news...

    I have my secret key btw.

    submitted by /u/lentilhunting
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    Realistic Timeline for the Utility Bull Run of XRP? - All Opinions Welcome

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 10:32 PM PST

    Having a front row perspective of the crypto space has taught me that everyone seems to have their own vision for the future of certain projects. Predicting what's to come in the blockchain space is nearly impossible but all participants seem to agree on one thing - eventual global adoption.

    As a person that has been invested in XRP for just over a year now, I have always viewed the growth of Ripple the company and the XRP ecosystem as if it were a movie. Every new development and production contract has infatuated me similar to the way a screenplay would. The constant stream of news makes this especially true as the expansion of Ripple is nothing short of exponential. I make serious efforts to try and do as much research as I can and consistently make financial sacrifices in order to add to my bags at desirable price points. I've never had any remorse in doing this at all, even during the darkest days of the bear market. I am truly invested in the potential that XRP has to completely redesign the global monetary system.

    With that being said, I am sometimes left wondering why this seemingly magical technology hasn't yet swept the planet by storm. Sure, Rome wasn't built overnight, but the iPhone was the top selling cellphone on the market after only a year of production. We've all seen the institutional reports of how efficient and effective RippleNet is - so why aren't they integrating it right now? (If you haven't seen the statements from The Royal Bank of Canada and American Express, I highly recommend lending them your time). Is the ecosystem and in turn, price of XRP, going to increase at a gradual rate or will a massive jump happen with a surging demand for liquidity? How long is this all going to take? Why are institutions shying away from the benefits of xRapid and solely utilizing xCurrent? When is the utility volume truly going to take off?

    These seem to be the elusively daunting questions for all of the XRP community members with large followings as giving an incorrect prediction will result in a later loss of credibility. Discussing these topics has become taboo as a result and it even divided our community into sub-factions. I don't want that to happen in this thread. Make your case, list your evidence, convince everyone of a realistic timeline for the utility bull run of XRP.

    submitted by /u/gdearden7
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    What got you into XRP? The greatest digital asset ever created?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2018 09:55 PM PST

    Over the weekend I had a few beers with some previous work colleagues of mine and both of them had no idea what crypto was let alone XRP. But what surprised me the most is how closed minded they were about crypto and they didn't even want to hear about what XRP was. It made me realize how niche of an investment industry we still are in.

    Which brings me to this question: How did you hear about Ripple and XRP?

    For me, back in April 2017 my work colleague asked if I was interested in investing into bitcoin with him. Back then BTC was around $1100 and I mistakenly thought you had to buy a whole bitcoin. Said no thanks. Fast forward to August 2017 and BTC jumped to $4500. That got me thinking.

    Assuming I missed the boat on BTC I started to look at altcoins and came upon XRP, which was around $.20 back then. Threw a bunch of cash in it without researching what Ripple and XRP were about. But the 'clicking point' for me was when I found out they are aiming to take over SWIFT's ancient messaging system. As someone who does weekly SWIFT transactions to send money back home, I knew of the real world use case that Ripple is trying to solve. After that, I've been dumping as much fiat as I can towards XRP, and eventually consolidated any other crypto I invested in towards XRP.

    Curious to hear about how the rest of the community began to hear about Ripple and XRP and what got you to invest. Was there a specific situation that made you think "holy crap, this is going to be huge"?

    submitted by /u/604WeekendWarrior
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    How much XRP do I need? How heavy do my bags need to be?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 09:03 PM PST

    How much xrp is enough?! I keep buying, as much as I can that is, but how much is enough to make a difference in my future life?

    I'd like to be ahead of the game on something, I know my pension could use a good boost! I'd like to believe that xrp will extremely out perform my pension savings.

    So what value today do you guess will be a life changing amount in the future?

    submitted by /u/ineedmoney79
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    What if Ripple...?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2018 02:12 AM PST

    What if...?

    Question: if Ripple can convince the exchanges to lower the comisions on fiat withdrawal than ,us the people, we can transfer money across borders using XRP without the need of a bank , think about it... What do you think about that ?

    submitted by /u/czmarian
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