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    Thursday, August 2, 2018

    GPU Mining My GPU Stack

    GPU Mining My GPU Stack

    My GPU Stack

    Posted: 01 Aug 2018 10:01 AM PDT

    My GPU Stack

    Here's my stack :P I have a total of 2.25 GH of ethash hash power (14 rigs total - 13 on Hive, one on Windows) and I barely crack $100 - $150 per day right now. Yeah, it's depressing but I had most of this setup before the massive mining drop. Oh well, just gotta plow through it and hope for the best. Paying a floating rate of 2.5 - 5 cents per KwH for power (Canada) (not including transmission fees) What's not shown in this picture are the extra fans that are stacked behind the stack. It stays pretty cool to be honest. See below for temps




    submitted by /u/erdrickk
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    surge protector keeps tripping

    Posted: 02 Aug 2018 12:08 AM PDT

    I recently moved to another room in the same apartment. Its a 4 bedroom apartment and moved to a bigger room. I got everything set up, running the same 5 x 1080ti rig running at 65% power using msi afterburner. I had 6 but had to RMA one of them. I had no problems running it in the other room while connecting the AC in the same wall outlet but not on the surge protector. Everything was running great, even ran straight for about 3 weeks without any problems. But for some reason, it keeps switching off the surge protector (every 5-20 minutes). I did have to run an extension cable to the surge protector because the room only has outlets on one side of the room.

    Im using this surge protector https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0000513US/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 which is rated at 3330 Jules. Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/snowboardpunk
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    RX 580 rigs getting low MHS all of a sudden

    Posted: 02 Aug 2018 03:20 AM PDT

    Everything running on Simplemining

    Ok, so i have two riggs, one with 8 RX 580 8gb, it used to get 29-30 mhs each card.. i tried to switch up the overclocks but with no luck, i then just put it back to what it used to be

    Core MHz: 1200

    Memory Mhz: 2000

    Core Undervolt: 850

    Powerstage: 2

    Getting total of 227Mhs on the 8 cards. How ever i used to get 239-240 on the same rig.

    My second rig is new, it consists of:

    3x RX 580 8gb // 27-28mhs

    1x RX 580 4gb // 25mhs

    1x RX 570 4gb // 21mhs

    Getting total of 129.9 Mhs

    i used to get 27 mhs of the 570, and 28 off the 580 4gb..

    Tbh, im not sure what cards are doing what mhs, but i just assume the 580 8gb get the most, 580 4gb secound, and the 570 getting the least.

    The OC i have on this rig is:

    Core MHz: 1200

    Memory Mhz: 1975

    Core Undervolt: 850

    Powerstage: 3

    Any help would be apreceated! :)

    submitted by /u/ThiaSCSGOSkins
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    What cases will fit onda or octominer mother boards?

    Posted: 01 Aug 2018 10:02 AM PDT

    Other than the case available from octominer directly, I'm looking for a cheaper solution or one I can buy second hand. Thanks for any information I appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/kingcolex
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    12 GPU Ethereum Miner Comparision Vs Promax7.2 ETH Miner

    Posted: 01 Aug 2018 09:37 PM PDT

    Hash Auger 2.1: Now With Earnings Tracking, GPU Monitoring and More

    Posted: 01 Aug 2018 11:39 AM PDT

    Hash Auger 2.1.2 has been recently released with the following new features and enhancements, providing users with even more control and customization of their rigs:

    • New Earnings tab shows up to 21 days of earnings information for each coin wallet. Earnings data and wallet balances are broken down per pool and multiple wallets for the same coin (BTC and internal Nicehash for example) can be grouped together in the same tab. Users can even continue to track earnings on disabled pools.

    • GPU Monitoring: shows the current GPU clock, memory clock, temperature and power usage per GPU. New temperature monitoring features allow users to adjust power limits and fan speeds for each GPU based on their current temperature. HA can even temporarily suspend mining on individual GPUs when their temperature rises above the user-defined limit.

    • Miner errors are now device and algorithm specific so that HA can stop using a miner on a GPU for one algorithm (due to aggressive OC or intensity settings), but will still use that miner for other algorithms on that GPU. The number of errors that can occur before HA will stop using a miner for an algorithm is now user adjustable.

    • Support for the newest miners such as CryptoDredge, T-Rex and Z-Enemy plus a number of other user favorites such as Alexis, Excavator and Palginmod.

    • Since HA has been NiceHash compatible from the beginning, NiceHash miners wanting to use the latest miners, auto-updating benchmarks, per algorithm overclock settings and other advanced features can do so without having to wait for NHM3 to be released. Unlike NHM, Hash Auger compares estimated NiceHash earnings with those on other pools to improve user earnings.

    • Unlike some other algorithm switching programs that only work on pools that auto-exchange, Hash Auger supports both auto-exchange pools and pools that do not auto-exchange. Users can mix mining some coins directly with auto-exchanging to other coins and the software will switch between all enabled pools and algorithms based on estimated earnings.

    • With Hash Auger, all user information including wallet addresses are stored locally and only sent to the pool servers as needed. For security and privacy, the software does not send any information to a server run by the developer or anywhere else.

    • While Hash Auger does have a 1% developer contribution (15 minutes per day), unlike some other algorithm-switching software, all earnings from benchmarking are credited to the user's wallet address and not the developer's.

    Learn more at: https://hashauger.com

    submitted by /u/HashAuger
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    Is Cryptocurrency Mining Dying? GPU vs ASIC Debate | Mining Farm Update | Last year 30,000 sols mined 1 Zec every2 days?!

    Posted: 01 Aug 2018 07:15 PM PDT

    Best Vega 56 card?

    Posted: 01 Aug 2018 09:30 AM PDT

    My understanding is that the XFX vega 56 is the best vega 56 to buy for mining. Am I right on that?

    submitted by /u/juiceminer
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    WA Farm Search

    Posted: 01 Aug 2018 11:28 AM PDT

    I've been looking around the Washington area recently for a potential farm space. If anyone has experience in the area, and could go over some questions it'd be appreciated. PM/posts welcome. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Hakumoo
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