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    Saturday, May 5, 2018

    Cryptocurrency Daily Discussion Megathread - May 5, 2018

    Cryptocurrency Daily Discussion Megathread - May 5, 2018

    Daily Discussion Megathread - May 5, 2018

    Posted: 04 May 2018 11:13 PM PDT

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    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Seriously, how is it possible to be this delusional??

    Posted: 04 May 2018 04:59 PM PDT

    MOON ALERT - $199m Btc short liqudated on OKEX, biggest in history!

    Posted: 04 May 2018 09:28 PM PDT

    Heads up boys: We're on the brink of something massive.

    Posted: 04 May 2018 06:34 AM PDT

    Sup guys,

    I just want to give everyone a heads up that shits about the get real in so many ways and YOU are here early. Yes, you, the guy that bought in December and thinks you'll never recover from all your losses.

    Let's go over a few of the things we know about.

    1. The top talent in the world are leaving their old tech/finance jobs and entering blockchain. Everywhere you look, we're seeing this. From hedge fund managers, to JP Morgan/Goldman Sachs execs, to Google execs. Gee golly, why are the most talented and intelligent people in the world entering crypto?

    2. Banks are diving balls deep into crypto (mostly behind the scenes). First the banks ignored crypto, then they laughed at crypto, then they attacked it by calling it a "scam." Now they're acquiring exchanges (Poloniex), about to open trading desks, investing in projects (Digital Currency Group), and are in a race to get in before their competitors.

    3. Custodial Services: I cannot overstate the importance of this. As I've written before, Coinbase is going to be at the forefront of mass adoption and are going to play a key role in all of this. They've recently been hiring INSANE amounts of management positions, engineers, and something around 500 new customer service reps. This is because they're about to roll out their custodial program where every credit union and some participating major banks are going to offer their crypto index fund to their customers. Baby boomer (and Gen X) Mom n Dad are going to walk into their local credit union to talk to their financial advisor and he's going to offer them a new product that is extremely volatile, however, got a return of about 1000% last year. He's going to suggest 2-5% of their portfolio would be ok to invest and these coins are going to be insured; They will never have to trade for crypto or make accounts on sketchy exchanges to get them, just gets their broker to buy them like any other financial product.

    4. The demand for OTC crypto is insane. This is why you see Gemini and Coinbase starting their own Bloc trading services. Who and why is there so much OTC demand?

    5. Liquidity is about to blow up. If you don't understand what liquidity does for markets/coin value, do a bit of research. The exchange union is coming, where the participating exchanges share liquidity.

    6. Because of this future liquidity, traditional securities (company shares, bonds) and commodities will be represented by crypto. This one's going to take some time, but you can see the writing on the wall here. This is going to be where crypto is in full-fledged mass adoption-mode.

    Unfortunately back in December/January crypto wasn't quite ready for the explosion that happened. Exchanges had to freeze trading, not allow new sign-ups, not enough service reps, low security on exchanges, and the tech in general wasn't quite ready but things are changing this year, 2018. Sit back, open a cold one with the boys, make love to your smokin' hot wife, go play catch outside with your kids, and enjoy yourselves because we're about to witness history - And your all a part of it my friends. Cheers!

    submitted by /u/warrchaser
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    Colin LeMahieu, founder of Nano, to present at the Seoul Blockchain online forum on May 10th.

    Posted: 04 May 2018 12:57 PM PDT

    Titanium Blockchain TBIS - The Scam Continue

    Posted: 05 May 2018 12:38 AM PDT

    You probably heard about this ICO that in mid Feb this year got "hacked" from 16 millions coins supposedly kept in cold storage.

    I put hacked in brackets because it is still not clear today what happened to the coins. We are not sure if they have been hacked or the coins have been stolen.

    This coin was shilled from the great Suppoman himself as well early after ICO and of course after the hack Suppoman dissociated himself with the coin calling it a failure and dead coin. Dough Polk also tweeted a couple of times let the community know to be aware. (this during the hack).

    Titanium CEO Michael Stollaire wasn't able to explain why the coins weren't in cold storage as written in black and white in the whitepaper. He blamed team members for the hack/theft and he actually fired his Chief Technology Officer Christopher Michael Snook shortly after.

    During the hack Titanium issued a fork and release a new coin called TBAR. Snook (ex CTO) claimed and continue to claim the fork happened long before the hack and this was a plan from the beginning. Supposedly during the hack a big investigations started, private investigators and, including by the words of Titanium staff, government agency like FBI were involved. 2 months after the investigations nothing came out. We are not able to ask any questions regarding the investigations and the developments (if there are still any) since you'll get banned in an instant if you dare to ask. It's the big elephant in the room, in the telegram group . During the hack/theft TBIS supposedly contacted HitBtc where it was listed to block all the BAR trading. Nothing came out of it and all the hacked/stolen coins were dumped causing the price to crash. After 2 months we are still not being able to trade the new fork TBAR on HITBTC. TBIS is blaming HitBTC for the delay. There is nothing official from HitBTC so we are not able to understand the reason of such a delay. HitBTC listed numerous coins during this time. Voice is this coming Monday TBAR will be listead again on HitBTC but we are getting used to empty promised right now.

    Hard cap during ICO was 35 millions coins. Right now the circulating supply is 43 millions coins. Being asked about the extra 8 millions coins in circulation, TBIS CEO Michales Stollaire stated: https://imgur.com/a/AKbM4Ba

    Whitepaper as you expect has been edited numerous times. Right now there is no mention of the circulating supply and total supply in the whitepaper. We are not sure of what the ratio between bonuses/ airdrops/ marketing is. There is no mention of the 17 millions new TBAR coins supposedly in cold storage. (60 millions total supply minus 43 millions in circulation). Investors are not sure how TBIS is handling the coins. People asked this questions in the telegram group and got tagged as Fudders and banned from the groups.

    I am not the first to claim that TBIS subreddit is filled with bots paid by the team to speak positively about the coin. I have seen more threads about this. One of the more obvious case if from /u/tzegian that claim he follow the project and he is so excited from the CEO interviews. https://imgur.com/a/E8TsRGE https://imgur.com/a/yLR0RIk

    Here he state he is totally convinced! He believe TBIS will be the best ICO of 2018: https://imgur.com/a/saZ1o0u You can check all his post history and he is obvious he was pretending to be an excited investor.

    In reality this user is/was being paid from TBIS. He/was member of the Core Team, a group that get paid to help admin a crypto community. As you can see he started the ANN thread on bitcointalk for TBIS: https://imgur.com/a/V3v2ISC http://www.thecoreadmin.com/ the site is currently down. I am not sure if the Core team is still around today but I don't see any more members in the Titanium telegram groups.

    Today TBIS is shilling more coins to their investors. Yes you heard it right, an ICO that shills other ICOS. Right now the Chief Communication Officer Martha Breed is shilling a token called Bitcoin Token! ! (wow what a unique name). She is now an advisor for the token! An ICO that got hacked and literally price destroyed, investors losing all their life saving, is now advising to a new ICO! Titanium is now partnered with this scam token and I will probably make a new thread soon about it since I believe Bitcoin Token was funded by TBIS staff member themselves.

    submitted by /u/Rev0000
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    Another way to support Bisq! (decentralized fiat-crypto & crypto-crypto x-change)

    Posted: 04 May 2018 11:46 PM PDT

    Why Bisq is good for crypto

    Bisq is decentralized, p2p, and therefore will never require AML/KYC. If you care about privacy of your crypto trading, bisq matters.

    The Plan-- "Loss-leading, a noble sacrifice"

    1. Buy small amounts of trending altcoins from Binance.
    2. Transfer off exchange.
    3. Run Bisq (bisq exchange must be accessed through its app since it runs over TOR and is p2p).
    4. Place limit-sell orders on Bisq for those altcoins, but at a 50% discount from the Binance price.

    Yes, this is basically giving popular altcoins away in order to entice people into learning how to use Bisq (there is a slight learning curve).

    The concept of a loss-leader is that once people have taken the time to visit your difficult-to-reach store, they might spend additional time there and do additional shopping. If a person spends the time to install Bisq and learn to use it, they might find out that they like it and therefore continue using it!

    submitted by /u/Riiume
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    Porsche Digital Lab is looking forward to working with IOTA on Autobahn project

    Posted: 05 May 2018 01:14 AM PDT

    Top crypto exchange Coinbase prepares for a monster increase in trading

    Posted: 04 May 2018 12:07 PM PDT

    NANO Is Rising Again. So I Did A Quick Video Summarizing Some Of The Good News NANO Has Been Seeing Lately

    Posted: 04 May 2018 08:38 PM PDT

    Ethereum price breaks above $800.00 with strong Bullish trend

    Posted: 05 May 2018 02:02 AM PDT

    Oyster Pearl (PRL) Mainnet Progress Update #2

    Posted: 04 May 2018 02:04 PM PDT

    Lost half a bitcoin today due to a virus (likely a chrome extension) that changed withdrawal address on paste.

    Posted: 04 May 2018 02:40 PM PDT

    Here it is in action.


    Didn't double check the address in binance confirmation email, learned a very expensive lesson. Living up to my nickname.

    Funds went to https://btc.com/1F71Vfi8VELYY7C5T6pMUYKo1cYyasXipi first, then to https://btc.com/3DNzQKCsPbNBwtJsT4b6b4sbJvyQNNsg7j

    Another "feature" - https://imgur.com/a/JYlNGWw.

    Stay safe.


    Some people found the post confusing. Here is what happened: I wanted to withdraw funds from binance, copied the destination address. Malware on my PC changed the destination address to the address of the thief. Didn't check the address manually because why would there be any bitcoin address in my clipboard other than the one I just copied. Confirmed the withdrawal and it went straight to the thief.

    submitted by /u/weaponizedstupidity
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    Bitcoin millionaire kills himself after having £280k stolen from his falt days after showing off bundles of cash on social media

    Posted: 04 May 2018 04:05 PM PDT

    Coss/USD now available

    Posted: 05 May 2018 12:33 AM PDT

    My posts at /r/KuCoin keep getting deleted. 7 days without my funds. Please help.

    Posted: 05 May 2018 12:25 AM PDT

    I transferred ONT to my KuCoin wallet 7 days ago, and it arrived instantly according to txid on the blockchain.

    Nothing was credited to my KuCoin account.

    I opened a ticket #40279, and provided all the screenshots. After then hearing nothing for days, I went to live chat 2 days ago, and I was told to be patient, despite pressing for an idea of how long it would take. Support said that tech "have to create a software" or some rubbish.

    Today I'm told the same thing, and advised that I "can email them tomorrow if it hasn't arrived" - which was obviously infuriating.

    This is really getting stupid. Support have absolutely no idea what's going on, and quite literally guess answers because they think that's what you want to hear.

    I just want my ONT.

    submitted by /u/Jimmie0708
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    It was Bitcoin that allowed me to transition when I did. It may have saved my life, and I'll always be thankful. Crypto is so much more than just an investment vehicle!

    Posted: 04 May 2018 08:45 PM PDT

    In late 2016 the military announced that trans people could come out and serve. So I did. I had been thinking on it for years, accepting it about myself for years, and I remember that fateful morning walking into the counselor's office.

    After and endless barrage of mandatory questions about unrelated nonsense, she finally got to the point - "What's wrong? Why are you here?"

    "I think.... No.. Not I think." I steeled myself, held the tears back, and took a deep breath. "I know I am transgender."

    "Oh sweetie," she replied, her eyes getting big. "Is that the first time you've ever said that out loud to someone?"

    I burst into tears for the next half hour. It was finally done. I had come out. I felt simultaneously sick and in the greatest relief of my life.

    I went back several times over the coming weeks to speak with them, and after a month I was sure I wanted to start hrt immediately. I had been waiting long enough, reading about it long enough, and I wrote in a private journal (back in Xmas 2015) that "there will be no 2017 for me without transition, I absolutely will begin by then".

    That's when the military informed me the process of gender transition was so new, they didn't even have procedures in place to assign hormone replacement therapy (hrt) yet. In case you aren't aware, that's the process of stopping someone's (incorrect) birth sex hormones (in my case testosterone) and supplying the correct hormones (in my case estrogen and progesterone). It creates a second puberty in the individual which brings both the brain and body into a state where the person's gender identity matches what they are experiencing biologically.

    "That's not going to be okay," I explained to them. "I have a diagnosis that gender transition is medically necessary, and you're telling me you don't know when I can actually have these medically necessary hormones? And you have no idea at all what the timeline will be to get them?" Let me assure you, it is a special hell to come out and finally accept that part of yourself... Only to be told you have to continue to suffer in the wrong sex hormones because a bloated bureaucracy can't get their act together.

    My work performance declined, I became despondent, and I explained day after day to my gatekeepers that I needed to start hrt immediately. Their reaction was either confusion or to treat me as if I was spoiled for expecting that I would be able to get a prescription in any sane amount of time.

    By the dawn of December I decided "f&#$ them". I had already spent months learning everything there was to know about trans endocrinology. I was the one explaining to the doctors on base how the process of hormone replacement worked. I knew far more than they likely ever would, including the precise doses I needed to slowly turn off my male hormones and replace them with female ones in a safe fashion. 2017 was coming, and there was no 2017 for me without transition.

    So with the help of the Reddit trans community (/r/transdiy 💕) I found an online pharmacy and a site that let's you order your own labs and blood work. This online pharmacy was based out of Europe and had everything I needed... only problem was that the act of ordering your own medication had been deemed undesirable by the powers that be. The site that had the very thing I needed to go on living had been blocked by every major payment method... PayPal, Visa, banks, etc, etc. All except one. They took Bitcoin.

    A few days into December my hands were shaking as I transferred the btc to them via BitPay and the order confirmed. A week or so later they arrived: my first dose.

    12/12/2016 was day one of HRT for me. I've been transitioning ever since. The military was of course furious when they found out, but I was ferocious in my defense of what I had done. I successfully argued that if the military refused to provide me with what I needed for the condition they themselves had diagnosed me with, then I had the right to take my health into my own hands. Oh, and it was about 6 months later when they finally got their act together enough to refer me to an endocrinologist... who simply validated what I was already doing on my own. I wouldn't have been able to sanely wait those 6 unnecessary months for hormones.

    I'm happier than I've ever been here in May of 2018. Before my future seemed like a grey cloud of nothing, and now it's full of life, friendship, and possibilities. I have the body I always expected and my brain runs on the right hormones instead of being poisoned daily by unwanted testosterone. And I don't stress about the periods of time when I have to switch providers, or when I need to get a prescription unknotted between cities... Because I know bitcoin and the internet will always allow me to get the hormones I need to sustain myself.

    Gender dysphoria put me in a horrific secret prison my entire life, and it was Bitcoin that finally allowed me to escape it. I'll never forget that, and I'll always be thankful.

    I know people are visual and curious. If you're wondering what I look like, I'm not an ultra feminine person, and usually dress rather butch in my day-to-day life. Here's me, cheers: https://i.imgur.com/WzjSGEC.jpg

    submitted by /u/katiecharm
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    Ambrosus just released their token econimcs

    Posted: 04 May 2018 02:08 PM PDT

    REQ and MAKER cooperation for stable payments! This is huge!

    Posted: 04 May 2018 06:07 AM PDT

    Speaker at the United Nations talks about blockchain tech and it's benefits to the coming generations!

    Posted: 04 May 2018 02:42 PM PDT

    India Sees Rise In Cryptocurrency Trading Volumes Despite Ban, Indian Investors believe that cryptocurrencies are here to stay

    Posted: 04 May 2018 10:21 PM PDT

    Wall Street Banks Will Follow Goldman Sachs' Initiative

    Posted: 04 May 2018 06:07 PM PDT

    Interview: „Together With The Industry We Take IOTA To The Next Level“

    Posted: 04 May 2018 02:21 PM PDT

    Interview with IOTA Co-Founder at the Hannover Messe, Germany: „Together With The Industry We Take IOTA To The Next Level"

    ... „In the automotive sector, IOTA enables me to automatically pay for the service, be it parking, charging or toll. And that without me having to take care of it myself." ...

    Read more [EN]: https://iota-news.com/together-with-the-industry-we-take-iota-to-the-next-level/

    Original [GER]: https://www.industry-of-things.de/gemeinsam-mit-der-industrie-bringen-wir-iota-auf-das-naechste-level-a-712492/

    submitted by /u/degineth
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    ‪Ripple Sued For ‘A Never Ending ICO’ Which Goes Against Federal Laws

    Posted: 05 May 2018 12:44 AM PDT

    Cryptocurrency slowly returning to a $500 billion market cap

    Posted: 04 May 2018 05:35 AM PDT

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