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    Friday, April 23, 2021

    Cryptocurrency Daily Discussion - April 23, 2021 (GMT+0)

    Cryptocurrency Daily Discussion - April 23, 2021 (GMT+0)

    Daily Discussion - April 23, 2021 (GMT+0)

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 05:00 PM PDT

    Welcome to the Daily Discussion. Please read the disclaimer, guidelines, and rules before participating.


    Though karma rules still apply, moderation is less stringent on this thread than on the rest of the sub. Therefore, consider all information posted here with several liberal heaps of salt, and always cross check any information you may read on this thread with known sources. Any trade information posted in this open thread may be highly misleading, and could be an attempt to manipulate new readers by known "pump and dump (PnD) groups" for their own profit. BEWARE of such practices and exercise utmost caution before acting on any trade tip mentioned here.

    Please be careful about what information you share and the actions you take. Do not share the amounts of your portfolios (why not just share percentage?). Do not share your private keys or wallet seed. Use strong, non-SMS 2FA if possible. Beware of scammers and be smart. Do not invest more than you can afford to lose, and do not fall for pyramid schemes, promises of unrealistic returns (get-rich-quick schemes), and other common scams.


    • All sub rules apply in this thread. The prior exemption for karma and age requirements is no longer in effect.
    • Discussion topics must be related to cryptocurrency.
    • Behave with civility and politeness. Do not use offensive, racist or homophobic language.
    • Comments will be sorted by newest first.

    Useful Links:

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Much Needed Mindfulness During This Dip

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 07:18 PM PDT

    Hey bud.

    Take some deep breaths, nice and slow. Put your hands on something solid... Your desk or table or something like that.

    Be right here for a minute. Just focus on your breathing.

    I know things are a lot right now and this dip is scary, but also right now you're ok. Walk away from the charts for a while, enjoy your friends/family/pets and come back after a while. This shit happens all the time in crypto and we are still solidly in the midst of a bullrun. Give the whales time to shake out weak hands in order to scoop up more on discount. If you can buy the dip, if you can't buy the dip just hold and you'll be ok if you just have patience.

    If you're panicking right now, maybe reconsider how much you have invested or what coins your invested in. This is a volitile space and your mental health is more important than some quick gains. Take care of yourself, stay hydrated, check your posture, and keep a big picture perspective.

    submitted by /u/Aurtach
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    This tax FUD is hilarious. Let me explain why.

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 09:12 PM PDT

    I see a lot of people who have poured their hard earned money into something that they havent bothered to research at all and it is hilarious and sad.

    People spout about which coin is hot. AAVE, COMP, ETH...is defi hot? Are nfts hot???

    So here we have Biden suggesting a cap gains increase and everyone panic sells and rants about missing Trump.

    Do you realize how dumb you sound? Do you even realize that you are literally investing in the very solution to that problem? Did you even know what DeFi stands for or was it just a picture of a unicorn that got your attention?

    Defi stands for DECENTRALIZED FINANCE. It means you have a bank, a lender, etc without a middleman. Bankless! And there are CeFi platforms as well that make it even easier!

    What do these platforms do, you ask? (Since apparently none of you even bother to understand what you buy. You just cry and scream at the sky when number go down)

    Well, one thing you can do with lending platforms is use your crypto as collateral to take out loans against your crypto!

    and guess what the BEST part is...

    ...wait for it...


    Yes. Let me repeat this again. You can have a bIg ole pile of crypto earning rewards and you can take out cash whenever you want and you dont pay taxes on it! And its lower fees than a bank and with defi even lower! Thats literally what you have been investing in the entire time you dolts!!

    It isnt called defi for no reason. Its DECENTRALIZED FINANCE! You can take out loans, earn interest, lend money across the planet. Biden cant touch it if you dont sell it.

    But if everyone PANIC SELLS than that fucks it up for everyone and for the people the angriest at Biden IT FUCKS IT UP FOR YOU THE MOST!

    This isnt wall street bets. This isnt a couch you are buying to flip. The goal is to stack crypto and take out loans against it (which is not a taxable event) or to escape your country's shitty and predatory banking system! Thats why we are all here! Its literally what the fucking sub is named. Look up in the top corner of your screen. It says CryptoCurrency! Read thag again a few more times.

    You arent hurting Biden by panic selling, you clowns! You are shooting yourself in the foot.

    Go watch some videos and educate yourself on taxes in crypto and how to avoid them. You can start a crypto IRA. You can simply stack on celsius/nexo/blockfi and take out low interest loans.


    Its like watching people investing in canoes and freaking out because their street is flooded and they are like "Well what the fuck are we supposed to do with all these canoes now?!!!"

    This is like an IQ test that America failed. Its really sad to watch.

    submitted by /u/grrrlgonecray999
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    If you are sad you missed out when crypto was less expensive, then quit freaking out now that it's a bit cheaper.

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 07:38 PM PDT

    Basically the title. I for one welcome crypto correcting. I hope it goes waaay down. Am I currently losing money? Of course. Do I think Bitcoin will go above 60k again? I think you'd have to be an idiot not to think so. So sit back, hodl, load up as it goes down, and be happy knowing you're just going to make more money in the long run because of any dips.

    submitted by /u/snarec
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    2 months ago we were celebrating that 50k was an insane amount for BTC. Now people look at a dip to 50k and feel negative.

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 07:49 PM PDT

    Just food for thought. It's amazing how quickly the sentiment changes in the world once something becomes the usual. The media and news used to be like "booming", "skyrocketing", "huge adoptions", being all bullish when BTC was 50k.

    Now the news are like "liquidation", "crash", "warning" when bitcoin is doing something it's always been good at; correcting.

    Turns out everyone becomes euphoric and optimistic and carefree when everyone's making money, but pessimistic and cautious and unaccepting when they aren't. Human nature.

    submitted by /u/Iiau_
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    Looking for a good sale? Heres the top 15 coins and the gain if/when they go back to their 90d ATH.

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 01:09 AM PDT

    BTC 34%

    ETH 23%

    BNB 36%

    XRP 90%

    ADA 56%

    DOGE 106%

    DOT 68%

    UNI 26%

    LTC 50%

    BCC 60%

    Link 44%

    VET 69% (nice.)

    XLM 73%

    FIL 78%

    SOL 27%

    By the time of posting this is prob already outdated, but should give an estimate at least .

    Happy shopping!

    submitted by /u/virusamongus
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    A lot of people misunderstanding the possible increase in Capital Gains Tax

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 02:34 PM PDT

    Tax Rate Capital Gains Income
    0% $40,400
    15% $445,850
    20% $1,000,000
    39.60% $1,000,000+
    Sample Capital Gain (1Y) Amount Taxes Paid Before Amount Taxes Paid After
    $50,000 $1,440 $1,440
    $100,000 $8,940 $8,940
    $200,000 $23,940 $23,940
    $400,000 $53,940 $53,940
    $800,000 $131,647 $131,647
    $1,600,000 $291,647 $409,247
    $3,200,000 $611,647 $1,042,847
    $6,400,000 $1,251,647 $2,310,047

    Oh man, so many little guys gonna get screwed by this! /s

    submitted by /u/crypto_lad
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    A 9-5 job is practically mining fiat

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 08:07 AM PDT

    Well, lending your workforce to an entity and gaining money in return. Sounds like proof of work? It pretty much is. Bonus points if you can check your exchange of choice on your phone and do the occasional trade or stake during your work time.

    Personally looking at it that way helped me quite a bit, instead of loathing going to work I now see it as a necessity to be able to invest more into crypto and reach financial freedom one day.

    Cheers to those reading this at work.

    submitted by /u/M1PY
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    I lost 10% of my net worth in the last two days... and I'm laughing.

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 09:04 PM PDT

    2017 vet here. Zoomed out. Forgot how to find the sell button a long time ago. Just buy what you can afford, and then fucking forget about it. Close that tab you have sitting open at work all day, sitting there staring at the lines move, and go get a fucking life. Seriously. Throw some money at it every now and then, then come back like I did... a mere fucking 3 years later... and laugh. You will win if you stop fucking worrying about it.

    Tldr: laughed and cried through 2017, and got dulled to the swings. Now I just buy occasionally and laugh as my portfolio consistently outperforms literally every other asset class.

    submitted by /u/Nocturnalshadow
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    I barely ever have anything valuable to contribute. Can we have a way to earn small bits of moons for lurking?

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 08:23 PM PDT

    Can we have a way to earn at least small bits of moon from lurking on the sub? I check and read the sub almost daily but I would still consider myself a noob in the crypto field. I vote often but i barely have anything valuable to post or comment. Seeing the pinned post about all the MOONS distributed makes me sad because I get none - Despite being a loyal member of the sub. Would it cause too much inflation to the currency if there was a way for us lurkers to earn some crums of moons? I imagine like a button I can press every 24 hours to give us tiny tiny amounts?

    Edit: my intention was not begging for moons here but a suggestion for a mechanism to reward lurkers too

    submitted by /u/AliResurrector
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    You don't pay capital gains in crypto, in Portugal.

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 02:06 PM PDT

    Hey guys,

    I'm telling you this from experience, portuguese here, you don't pay capital gains when it comes to crypto in Portugal! I heard Biden wants to raise that tax, so feel free to come to Portugal, to enjoy your tendies without limitations. We have good wine, good food, plenty of awesome beaches. Were a safe small country with plenty of good stuff. And of course, we're the country of Cristiano Ronaldo! 😂😂

    submitted by /u/semprenobre88
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    It's Amazing How Everyone Wants to Buy The Dip Until The Dip Actually Happens

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 11:26 PM PDT

    This AM, Bitcoin is down 10%, and most of the coins are trading at an over 20% discount. It's really surprising how everyone claims they want to buy cheap coins when the market drops and then fails to take action when there's a drop.

    I understand fears that a bear market is setting in, but current prices matter little if you're here for the long-term, although I believe this is a short-term pullback that we'll be laughing about by the end of the year.

    Bitcoin will eventually go back to those all-time highs and nothing has changed about its fundamentals. Same with the top projects, which are on sale even though nothing has changed from what it was a month ago.

    Don't be the person that goes crying about how the price is high, and then fails to take action when there are dips like the one we are seeing right now.

    submitted by /u/wmredditor
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    The U.S. house of representatives passes the 'Eliminate Barriers to Innovation Act of 2021’. The USA is joining the crypto train ������

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 06:16 PM PDT

    REMINDER: DO NOT use Robinhood to buy Crypto Currency!

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 08:58 PM PDT

    There are a lot of new members likely buying the dip, so I think this needs to be said again. YOU DO NOT own any Crypto Currency that you buy on Robinhood.

    You can not withdraw any cryptocurrency you buy on Robinhood, platforms like Robinhood defeat the whole purpose of cryptocurrency.

    Robinhood has shown in the past that it is willing to halt trading of securities and certain cryptocurrencies which has caused users to lose thousands of dollars.

    If you are new here I would recommend first reading up on cryptocurrency. Don't just jump in on fear of missing out. Make sure that you know what you are getting into first.

    You can purchase cryptocurrencies from several popular exchanges/platforms. Binance, Kraken and Coinbase are reputable ones you can turn to. You can then either choose to keep your coins on the exchange or the preferable option to create your own wallet and transfer your cryptos there. You should note that there will often be a transaction or "gas fee" when moving most crypto's off an exchange and into your wallet which depending on how much of a crypto you own might not make it worth it to move off an exchange.

    From there you should better set. There are ton of threads on this subreddit about crypto that will probably answer the majority of questions you have so always google them (reddit search isn't the best...)


    submitted by /u/Learning2Crypto
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    ETH crosses ATH of $2547.94

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 04:24 AM PDT

    9 out of 10 dentists agree that this is more than likely a sign of good things to come, including even higher moons and money in their wallets and (if they got into ETH), maybe even respect from their relatives after losing it for going into such a vile, scary profession.

    May your day be as good as ETH's price is atm. 🌛🚀

    submitted by /u/SodaCanBob
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    Bitcoin Dominance Has Just Fallen Below 50%!!!

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 06:31 AM PDT

    With the rapid rise of ETH and BTC stabilizing over the past few hours - BTC has just fallen below 50% dominance for the first time since July 2018.

    One of the main reasons we look at Bitcoin Dominance is because it can help us understand if altcoins are in a downtrend or uptrend against BTC.

    1. When BTC Dominance increases, alts on the whole lose BTC value.
    2. When BTC Dominance decreases, alts on the whole gain BTC value.

    In the past, declines in this indicator marked subsequent "altcoin seasons."

    Could be a bullish few weeks for alts ahead!

    submitted by /u/Sweaty-Rope7141
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    Dip? I'm still up 16% over the last month, 116% over the last 3 months, 458% over the last 6 months, and 732% over the last year

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 10:58 PM PDT

    Yeah.. Sure it's a dip in the current prices, but come on. If we all invested in projects we've believed in over the last few years we're not doing terribly.

    I do however understand how the newer investors are worried. But, I am here to tell you it's ok. When I first invested I was all starry eyed and was waiting for that pay day.. Only to see my account dwindle down to nothing. But, here I, and many others stand, alive, well, and thriving.

    Invest in what you believe in, hell, take a moonshot here and there. We'll all be fine in a few years, actually, we'll all be thriving.

    Now where's my glass, time for another scotch

    submitted by /u/Jme646
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    Don't risk more than what u can cover : 50-Year-Old Crypto Investor Commits Suicide

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 02:32 AM PDT

    In my country (Turkey) a 50 years old retired guy sold his house and put all in crypto. When he checked his account this morning, he saw a great loss and shot himself with his gun. He was the father of 1 child.

    He invested that much cuz he believed to double all his money in a short term as most of crypto investors.

    If losing affects your mental state, please don't risk all your savings.

    submitted by /u/mesutdmn
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    Nano Royale: Win NANO by staying alive

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 12:30 PM PDT

    Nano Royale: Win NANO by staying alive

    Fellow crypto lovers,

    I'd like to introduce a new way to win your favorite cryptocurrency. Nano Royale is a simple multiplayer game created by u/nano_royalty where the last player alive wins some sweet sweet NANO. Games last ~1 min and you do NOT need an account to play. Just head on over to https://nanoroyale.com. It was pre-released a few days ago on the Nano subreddit, and a fair few of us (including myself) have gotten hooked on it.

    Three variants are launched so far:

    Nano Royale Faucet:

    • Free Entry
    • Small Prizes
    • 1 Nano Jackpot

    Nano Royale Low + Mid-Stakes:

    • 0.01-0.10 NANO Entry
    • Win other player's NANO
    • Win up to 500x your stake (up to 50 Nano)

    Once you've had a look, feel free to hop on to the Discord server to share your thoughts!


    Pre-emptive FAQ:


    Do I need to download anything? Can I play this on my phone?

    No, and no. NR is a browser-based game, but at the moment does not support touch controls.


    How are people chatting ingame?

    Play in Chrome, and hold right mouse button. It'll convert your speech to in-game text.


    Do I need a Nano wallet?

    Not necessarily. The Nano Royale Faucet has no entry, it's only when you want to withdraw that you'll need a wallet. For the staked games, just grab your Natrium/Nault wallet!


    This thing is OK, but I have an idea on how to make it waaaaaaay better.

    Technically not a question, but we want to hear your thoughts. Hop into the Discord and help us make it as fun as possible!


    submitted by /u/SenatusSPQR
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    SafeMoon Admins are breaking Reddit's ToS by Vote Manipulating!

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 11:26 AM PDT


    Mods, please do something about this.

    The message says:

    We are being attacked by Cryptocurrency subreddit by people who are closed minded and jealous https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/mvujsi/doge_paved_way_to_a_lot_of_scam_coins_beware_of/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share PLEASE DOWNVOTE AND EDUCATE THEM

    submitted by /u/Rekkles210
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    Two fundamental things you should know about crypto

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 11:15 PM PDT

    1. Crypto markets are controlled by whales and institutions.
    2. The future will not be decentralized.

    If you fail to acknowledge these truths, then you are making investment decisions, whether trading or hodling, without seeing the big picture. You are what the smart money players call a "low information investor."

    Before you read further, please know that this is not an overall fatalistic post, so stick with it. There is hope and positivity for the future, albeit tempered with acceptance of objective reality.

    Control of the markets

    We like to think of cryptocurrency as a new frontier, and tell ourselves "we're still early, guys!" We envision ourselves as adventurers in a brave new world, making smart decisions on the basis of social justice and global financial equality. In truth, most of us are lining up to take arrows to our knees if we don't face the evidence.

    This year, we've seen an influx of very public institutional investment in crypto, one gigantic buy story after another. We are smug about this, believing that finally the big money types are waking up to what WE have known for years. Don't pat yourself on the back just yet, because it's straight-up bullshit.

    Be honest with yourself: When's the last time you really knew something ahead of the insiders, that allowed you to get a head start and reap huge rewards? For most of us, that's never. We always end up feeling like if only we'd known about something a bit earlier, this or that opportunity could have been huge for us. That's not random, it's not accidental, and it's part of the way the world works. Those with power, privilege, and money have an easy time acquiring more of it, while those without are left behind 99% of the time. That hasn't changed.

    Barry Silbert, Michael Saylor, and many others like them know more about crypto than you do. The heavyweights are not the doofus boomers some of you think they are, and they've been privately and/or secretly invested in cryptocurrency since before you bought your first dogecoin. That's because they are insiders, and insiders have seen this coming for a long time. They're ready for it. It's naive to think the recent glut of news stories about institutional investors truly represents their first foray into these markets. It's just the first time they've been willing to let the world know, and they've only decided to go public because of the huge benefits they'll reap.

    None of the biggest market moves in the world are random. They never have been. Maybe you imagine Michael Saylor browsing the internet, seeing more news about crypto, and finally one day it clicks and he thinks "ya know, maybe it's time I dip a toe in the water." That's preposterous. It's never been this way at this level of the game, and it isn't now.

    Saylor's "A-ha!" moment (and I'm only using him as a hypothetical example) was probably five or more years ago, and he probably casually dropped in a hundred thousand or so on a test run that quickly ballooned into multiple billion dollar wallets that we read news about, but which are only known by public addresses referenced by CryptoQuant or similar blockchain detectives. All these stories you hear about "a bitcoin wallet that hasn't been active since 2015 just moved two billion dollars..." You really think that's some goof-ball nerd miner who had a lucky early entry, and didn't sell when he could have cashed out $100K or so and moved out of his parents' basement? Not likely.

    If you do a Google News search for "crypto institutional buying," you will see the stories are all recent, and ALL, every single one, something along the lines of "all evidence shows that institutional investors are buying the dips." AS IF these fat cats are drinking lattes over crypto news sites on their laptops, wondering when it might be time to buy more. Haha, no.

    You know what none of those stories you dig up on Google News asks? They don't ask whether said "institutional" investors (as well as independent whales with aligned interests) might be CAUSING the dips, so they can buy lower. That's the right question to ask, and the compelling line of inquiry for real journalism. But real journalism barely exists anymore, and even where it does, it's unlikely to find its way to the front page of Google.

    We all know that actual controversial opinions are something mainstream media steers well clear of. We know that news organizations dependent on advertising revenue and access to official sources will see both of those things dry up quickly should they decide to stick their noses past the boundaries of uncomfortable truths.

    We know that since the dawn of time, the wealthy and powerful have been more than willing to manipulate markets for the sole purpose of becoming more powerful, and more wealthy. Clearly, they are often willing to do illegal things to affect such manipulation, because they are unlikely to get caught, and if they DO get caught, even less likely to suffer real punishment.

    So take the natural greed that has always dominated the financial world, and the willingness to step outside the law, and add to it something VERY fucking special: the crypto market. It's new, it's exciting, it's inevitable, it has a potential for boundless growth, and on top of all of that, its novelty means that it's largely unregulated, so they might not even have to break any explicit laws. For a large portion of wealthy people who understand market dynamics, this is an impossible temptation to resist.

    We also know, if we do some trading and watch prices AND volumes, how easy it would be to manipulate price action if we happen to be sitting on whole number percentages of total float volume, whether it be crypto or equities.

    We generally think of crypto as a pursuit where "FINALLY, the little guy can play on the same field as the fat cats." Don't kid yourselves. The fix is in, and has been for a long time. I suspect most of us imagine, without thinking about it in too much detail, that our favorite coins are owned mostly by millions of individuals like us, a hundred, or a thousand, or ten thousand dollars at a time. Democratic as fuck, right? Not so fast, Holmes.

    There was a recent news post on here that some people found disturbing. I might get the numbers wrong, not gonna look it up, because it doesn't change my point...I think the coin was LINK, and the headline was that 84% of all LINK was owned by 1% of the wallets. So people seemed to think this was scandalous. In truth, this is the case with most cryptocurrencies, to a greater or lesser extent. The biggest chunks (the controlling chunks) of almost everything humans have ever done have always been owned by the few, not the many.

    So, these whales and institutions own the media, they own market-controlling interest in every damn crypto that matters, and their primary motivation is often nothing more than piling up bigger and bigger piles of money.

    The good news about the whales finally going public (to some extent), is that while they DO generally have a lot of control over the market, crypto really IS a game that small investors can join. We don't own it, we can't make the power moves, but entry to the market is legitimately more distributed than it's ever been before. So we can educate ourselves, play within our comparatively modest means, and might actually make some decent money at it. Even more good news, tracking what the big boys are buying can usually be a low-effort recipe for success. If GBTC is buying it, if Microstrategies is opening large positions, it's probably also a safe bet for you and me.

    The future will not be decentralized

    Not the immediate future, anyway. Sorry, but if you want to enter the investment landscape with fully open eyes, you're just going to have to accept this.

    Step one in your acceptance should be to stop criticizing ANY coin as "centralized garbage." This does nothing more than reveal how oversimplified your conception of decentralization is. There are dozens of very centralized coins that are going to eat your "truly decentralized" project for lunch and shit it out into your open astonished mouths. Sorry.

    Step two will be to accept and deeply understand that your favorite project is indeed NOT "truly centralized," because literally NO existing crypto project is. Did you and your fellow bagholders get a vote in the last decision made about impending changes to the project? No?? Centralized. Are many of the nodes in your project hosted on Amazon Web Services? Thought so. Centralized. Is mining hashrate (or PoS equivalent) spread over a fully diffused cloud, with no hotspots? Hahaha...no, it isn't.

    Your coin is centralized garbage, son. So calling someone else's coin that is quite literally meaningless as a comparison.

    True decentralization of financial concerns will never be a thing. We may get close, after a few decades, but never all the way. And it will be a slow, ponderous, tooth-pulling journey.

    The good news

    There is increasing widespread awareness of the importance of broad participation in the global economy. I've been reading deeply the consulting material publicly available for multiple impending CBDCs, as well as watching recent past seminars from the IMF, and I can tell you this: it's no joke. The biggest players on the stage see that a critical mass is being reached where the ratio of the haves and have-nots will become untenable...so there is much serious discussion of inclusion of the unbanked into the economy, with a lot of focus on cross-border payments that don't exploit the people making and receiving them. Most of the people at the top of the heap may not give two shits about those at the bottom...but they genuinely want to be able to enjoy their yachts and their fancy cars without fear of being ripped out of them by angry mobs and beheaded.

    So this is happening. All of the great things that crypto claims it can do, it really CAN do, and in some measure, will do.

    But historically speaking, it should be obvious that the rich and powerful aren't just going to roll over for it. They're going to get their piece, and you can count on that. The brilliance of so many crypto projects is that their piece is irrevocably tied to some real and tangible form of life quality improvement for large swaths of unbanked and otherwise oppressed humans.

    But if you can see how wonderful and utopian a crypto world can potentially be, that still doesn't mean everyone else can, and it doesn't mean it's going to happen like in Charles Hoskinson's wet dream (this isn't a slam on Cardano, I like it well enough). The wealthy investors by and large can see the potential, and most of them don't care one way or the other. Improving quality of life for the poor, or in ravaged economies, is a good thing to most of our minds. For them, it might just be a side effect of their profit scheme. I'll take it.

    But total decentralization in your lifetime is a myth. Crypto is not going to end power abuse, market manipulation, and greed, no matter how much you want it to. Wise investment means awareness that sometimes, centralization is going to be a prerequisite for broad, efficient implementation, and that being a purist is equivalent to yearning for a fantasy you will never realize. And that will cause you pain and frustration the whole time you hang onto it.

    Open your mind. Accept that sometimes unwillingness to compromise is equivalent to death of a good idea. Take the bad with the good, particularly when the good might far outweigh the bad. You now have the chance to participate in a complete remaking of the world as we know it. If it doesn't conform precisely to your vision, it can still be a massive improvement, AND you can make money along the way.

    Bonus good news

    Based on the first part of this post, it should be clear to you by now that the crypto market is safe from a major tanking. I can't say how low it will go, or when it will come back, but there's a pretty bulky interest from a lot of big betters. There will be no "crypto winter," and you can be confident of that much. Don't liquidate in panic, because you will regret it.

    submitted by /u/ObsoleteGentile
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    Don’t Take a Loan to Buy the Dip

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 02:28 AM PDT

    After this week's series of mini dips, you might be out of fiat like me. However, don't be tempted to use margin trading, or take a loan. One bad move and it's all over, but hodling is free!

    Stay safe and sensible friends.

    submitted by /u/OnlyEthan10l
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    Algorand officially pledges to become the greenest blockchain amid accelerated adoption

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 07:18 PM PDT

    Rant: My girlfriend will not stop talking about the dip

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 12:07 AM PDT

    We were recently at a party and she couldn't eat any of the cream cheese dip because she is allergic. My friend (the host) didn't know and he worked very hard making it but she is still upset. To be fair it was some good dip.

    submitted by /u/Aesah
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    No Fear, The Dip is NOT here

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 06:55 PM PDT

    I don't usually post things, but when I do, I don't get that lucky with upvotes and awards.

    Nonetheless, I feel I need to say this to everyone that will pass through this:

    Look at the progress WE have achieved, and make sure you take advantage of the DISCOUNTS.

    This is just another bump in our fight to Blockchain Adoption (Hence crypto adoption) and we will overcome it, whether it's in a Day, a week, a month, a year, or a decade.

    HODL my fellow brothers and sisters and don't let the corporate class easily scare you into dropping your bags, for we are drawing the path to a more decentralized financial future.

    I Love you.

    submitted by /u/bayykon
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    Why you shouldn’t be worried about this scary tax news

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 02:12 PM PDT

    Today was nuts. Everything was up. ETH was hitting record highs and everyone was celebrating, and then we get news about the potential insane tax hikes.

    Next thing you know, stocks AND crypto tank.

    I'm not going to get into the nuances of the tax bill, but here's why you shouldn't be worried:

    1. It's not even based off a press conference or anything. Just a rumor Bloomberg published. Yes, I know Biden said he wanted 38%, but he's a puss and also said "he's open to negotiation"

    2. We haven't even seen the details (again, because it was a rumor)

    3. If it IS true, it'd have to pass the house. There's a decent chance it'd pass the house IMO, but there's also a chance the super progressive members would want more from the bill.

    4. EVEN IF it passes the house, do you think Joe Manchin will go for it? The guy who just turned town a minimum wage increase for the whole counter? LOL

    Listen, the progressive in me hopes the tax thing goes through IF they're going to actually use the money properly.

    But the realist and investor in me knows that this country runs on capitalism, and that's where the power is.

    As someone from Las Vegas, I give this whole fiasco a 3% probability of actually happening. There's a 97% chance everyone is freaking out over nothing.

    This isn't financial advice, but all I know is that I got some cheap ass coins today.

    Edit: some people think I should have mentioned the tax hike only affects millionaires. I didn't find that necessary for this post because my point is that it's probably not going to pass anyways because the millionaires are in control.

    submitted by /u/mstzbootman
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