• Breaking News

    Monday, April 26, 2021

    BTC "BTC rebranded to "digital gold" out of necessity... With expensive fees, low TPS, and high cfm times, it was the perfect narrative for a coin that can't scale."

    BTC "BTC rebranded to "digital gold" out of necessity... With expensive fees, low TPS, and high cfm times, it was the perfect narrative for a coin that can't scale."

    "BTC rebranded to "digital gold" out of necessity... With expensive fees, low TPS, and high cfm times, it was the perfect narrative for a coin that can't scale."

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 02:34 PM PDT

    Why we should be giving everyone we meet just a small amount of BCH to get them started:

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 07:06 PM PDT

    CheapAir Adds Bitcoin Cash (BCH) as a Crypto Payment Option for Cheap Airlines and Hotels

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 05:53 PM PDT

    Thank you for opening my eyes to BCH

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 06:09 PM PDT

    So I've been following Bitcoin since 2015 and holding some BTC since early 2017. After two years of leaving them be on my wallet, in 2019 I fell for one of those "get rich quick" schemes and "invested" all my BTC on a sketchy exchange. What could go wrong, right?

    Surprise surprise all my BTC were lost when the exchange raised fees and the minimum withdrawal requirements, and then blocked all transactions.

    I remembered about the BCH fork and that I could recover my original transactions from 2017 as BCH. That's when I came in contact with this amazing community.

    I admit I was a Bitcoin Core purist, but BCH community and r/btc made me realize how BCH is the superior version of Bitcoin, true to the original vision and the whitepaper.

    I guess mistakes do teach you valuable lessons. For this, I want to thank this community!

    submitted by /u/FZanettini
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    Hello everyone, I'm a new arrival and just wanted to say a big thank you those who helped me out today and gave me warm welcome. This is the sort of community I want to associate with, a kind and open atmosphere. I'm glad to be here <3

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 03:43 PM PDT

    There is a roadblock on $BTC.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 10:00 AM PDT

    This is how BCH spreads!

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 06:22 PM PDT

    JajaaSB on Twitter

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 06:58 PM PDT

    CashFusion on mobile devices - what's the status?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 10:17 PM PDT

    Just wondering if anyone is actively working on adding CashFusion support to the Bitcoin.com wallet (or any other BCH mobile wallet)? Anyone out there know the answer?

    submitted by /u/fatalglory
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    Lovely cause for celebration.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 11:29 PM PDT

    PSA ��: Now it’s a good time doing your BTC transactions. Don’t delay it! It may double by tomorrow.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 10:44 AM PDT

    Someone missed that Bitcoin forked in 2017

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 12:47 PM PDT

    Could this custom hardware be used to increase the throughput of Smart BCH even more?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 05:01 PM PDT

    A new peer review publishing platform powered by Bitcoin Cash: Alpha testing begins 1st May 2021

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 04:08 PM PDT

    I made a Bitcoin Cash Dashboard... and anyone can use it!

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 05:00 PM PDT

    I made a Bitcoin Cash Dashboard... and anyone can use it!

    I wanted to keep an eye on the funds at my BCH Address so I decided to create a simple and small dashboard for myself. After building it, I decided to publish it in case anyone else decided to use it.

    So far, it displays the current address, the balance of the address, and the current BCH to USD exchange rate, but the fiat currency can be changed by anyone who has a little programming experience. I may add a menu in the settings bar for this in the future.

    I've put the webpage on GitHub as one, single HTML file named index.html. It's open-source; anyone can remix it and use it, even for commercial purposes as long as they leave the attribution intact and use the same licence.

    You can download the page here: https://github.com/GameDesert/bitcoin-cash-dashboard

    Anyone can contribute if they want to add extra features or correct any mistakes.


    Main Display Screen

    Settings Menu

    submitted by /u/GameDesert
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    Who are Blockstream?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 04:40 PM PDT

    Ladies and gents. I keep hearing about blockstream and how they are responsible for bitcoin development. Why is ONE private company and only ONE company responsible for the development of Bitcoin. If governments want to shut down bitcoin can they do it by eliminating Blockstream? Private companies are only ever interested in profit and the little reading ive done it appears Blockstream make their money through transactions how? How can a company ethically be involved in the develoment of bitcoin but also be interested in making profit. Wouldnt they just do what is best for their self interest rather than the wider community? The failed European Super League comes to mind as a comparison.

    submitted by /u/Y0UNGJED1
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    DiarioBitcoin on Twitter

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 06:53 PM PDT

    Kim Dotcom: "whybitcoincash.com"...��‍♂️

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 01:17 AM PDT

    Could not update wallet: error (bitcoin.com wallet)

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 09:28 PM PDT

    Getting this error when trying to send, receive, on the BCH wallet (BTC wallet is working fine) bitcoin.com wallet. Restarted PC, turned off VPN, reinstalled. Still facing this problem. Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/Icy-Length-5356
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    Bitcoin Cash to Monero to LBRY to Bitcoin Cash to Monero on a Dex? DAO's need a accepted legal framework. Freedom to organize capital and collaborate financially should not be restricted. Financial freedom of association is a human right. Bitcoin Cash has Cash Fusion.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 10:23 PM PDT

    Bitcoin Cash to Monero to LBRY to Bitcoin Cash to Monero on a Dex?

    DAO's need a accepted legal framework. Freedom to organize capital and collaborate financially should not be restricted. Financial freedom of association is a human right.

    Bitcoin Cash has Cash Fusion.

    Cheers and serenity.

    submitted by /u/MichaelTen
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    Bitcoincash is solving real life problems and that is what matters the most.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 03:19 PM PDT

    Any Thingiverse users here?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 03:00 PM PDT

    I've been an on-and-off user of Thingiverse for a little while and I went to tip a creator today for the first time only to see that they hadn't linked their PayPal account.

    That caused me to take a look at the way tips are handled there and I think this is a perfect use case for BCH (or crypto generally in fairness).

    I'm actually surprised they don't already use crypto for tips given the nature of the target audience, so I've sent their support a message but I wanted to see if anyone here's either done the same in the past or knows any way to contact the people behind the site rather than going through support?

    It's hard to overstate the psychological difference between having to send a minimum of $3 to a creator for them to receive ~$1 vs. having the option to send them $0.50 directly to say thanks for a design.

    Let's make this happen!

    submitted by /u/thegreatmcmeek
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    User being harassed by BTC maxis for not being able to afford to invest in BTC.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 11:25 AM PDT

    I reached my goal of 1 btc in late 2019 .. after losing it from a woman and the pandemic, i'm ready to stack bch this time

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 08:48 AM PDT

    Small story. I had always watched btc in awe since around 2013, but never really held on to it as an investment. I just used it from time to time for internet purchases and sending it to strangers/friends. Around 2017 I agreed that it was becoming too congested and that the block size should increase. I still watched btc rise in price after and decided to make it my goal to have 1 of each of the top currencies. Going down the list btc was the first goal . I was estatic after reaching my goal late in 2019. At the time, fees were still too high to use as peer-to-peer cash and I was ready to pursue collecting the next currencies that could be used in this way.

    My mistake was telling the unstable woman i was with at the time that i had reached my goal and this equaled around 9k usd. This is a lot for Hungary where i am from and she ended up manipulating me with a fake pregnancy and many other really abusive things like destroying an airbnb and forcing me to pay a lot. At the end i had to spend most.. then the pandemic hit and there went all my savings.

    Anyways... I have been watching crypto in general from the sidelines for a while. The BCH community has really held it together since the fork and I cannot think of a better peer-to-peer digital money than this with the original Bitcoin design and super fast payments. So now i've made it my goal to stack BCH and not look back. I truly believe that this currency will eventually outpace Btc as it will become more and more congested. Lightning is a joke and not new user friendly at all. So if I start stacking now, it is as if I went back in time to where mass adoption was still in the early progress . Keep using it as currency my friends and in the end we will definitely come out on top <3. thanks for reading . Today i felt like sharing i haven't really been able tell this stort to anyone i know in person

    submitted by /u/1BitcoinIsMyLifeGoal
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    #Bch is #btc on steroids ��BITCOIN CASH WILL BE THE INTERNET MONEY OF THE FUTURE- Why? Low tran fees, instant confirmations -grt community.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 09:15 PM PDT

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