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    Thursday, August 6, 2020

    BTC Open Source SLP Post Office is Live!

    BTC Open Source SLP Post Office is Live!

    Open Source SLP Post Office is Live!

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 09:23 PM PDT

    Announcing Bitcoin Cash DevCon, September 5 & 6 2020

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 11:12 PM PDT

    "The point of this announcement is to not have a split. Everyone is on the same page. As you can see from the long list of signatures. If you fear anyone going a different direction, your question belongs to them."

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 01:15 PM PDT

    This is a great video and important for today.

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 11:07 PM PDT

    I've been participating in the BCHN Slack since quite early and let me tell you one thing

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 04:59 PM PDT

    The culture there is amazing.

    No, really, you have to check it out sometime. Everyone's welcome.

    submitted by /u/mtrycz
    [link] [comments]

    The BTC/BSV split was about increasing the blocksize limit. The BCH/BSV split was about not changing the protocol. The BCH/ABC split will be about rejecting dictators over the consensus rules. If this settles that issue, it would be a major breakthrough for blockchain governance.

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 08:57 PM PDT

    The reason BCH has so much heated discussion is because it is one of the best options the world has for Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash.

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 08:40 AM PDT

    If it wasn't a relevant major player, no one would pay any attention to it.

    submitted by /u/MemoryDealers
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    A response to Hayden Otto's "full comment"

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 11:34 AM PDT

    In an alternate universe, sometime in mid July, Amaury sends out a message to his fellow BCH developers...

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 12:25 PM PDT

    In an alternate universe, sometime in mid July, Amaury sends out a message to his fellow BCH developers...

    "Hey guys! First off thanks to Mark, Karol, and Jonathan, for all the work you've put into brainstorming, coding, and modeling the new DAA algorithm. From what I've seen from your simulations it looks very promising. I'm thinking of ways I can take that proposal and improve upon it, and one idea I had is to add an additional nested function on top of it for the purpose of correcting the historical drift. The goal would be to more quickly get us back in line with Satoshi's original emission schedule. Correcting the drift has been brought up in passing, but we've never really had an in depth discussion on the topic. I believe this would increase the hard money properties of BCH. The timeframe is negotiable, but I'm thinking somewhere along the lines of 5-7 years to fully correct the drift. The trade-off is that the average block time would be increased temporarily by about a minute or so per block in this design, which of course would impact miner revenue and hash rate in the short term, but also decreases inflation at the same time which is a benefit to current holders of BCH. I know this is a big change with philosophical implications so I wanted to run it by you guys first and get some feedback before I put the time into fully coding it. In my opinion, if we are choosing a reference point for the new DAA the only one that makes sense is the genesis block, because to choose any other block would make us the central bankers of BCH. Thoughts?"

    submitted by /u/Elryn1337
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    Bitcoin Cash (BCH) November 2020 Upgrade statement

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 07:12 AM PDT

    Lurker guy from LATAM in support of BCHN and Aserti3-2D

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 03:55 PM PDT

    No one cares about Amaury's ego. This guy is done in my book, I sold BCH coins because of problems he caused. He gets ideas from other devs, changes them, then poses as his own idea and cancels the other devs.

    Bitcoin is a collaborative enterprise, not an ego booster.

    Fork if needed. No Amaury Sechat and ABC anymore, he failed been head of project.

    Valeu, abraços!

    submitted by /u/manjaro_fan
    [link] [comments]

    Thank you to "NO DRIFT CORRECTION!!!", whoever you are, who has just pledged 100BCH (~$29K) to mainnet's FlipStarter and thank you to all other participants! Minimum pledge now ~$133

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 06:32 AM PDT

    This is a golden opportunity for BCHN, BU, BCHD, Bitcoin Verde, Knuth to step in and build solid communication channels with the miners, exchanges and other big businesses. Show them your leadership capabilities to lead the the global p2p cash.

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 08:58 AM PDT

    BCHN FAQ on November 2020 Bitcoin Cash network upgrade

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 11:24 AM PDT

    Need to take this off my chest...

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 09:28 PM PDT

    With all this talk about ABC trying to take over the steering wheel from Bitcoin Cash for their own personal advantage. . . I hope to God their dipshit developers are reading this right now too... We forked out of Bitcoin for this same very reason and we will do it again. Mark my words. We follow those who follow truth, and truth will always, prevail.

    It upsets me that things turn out this way but when you really think about it, sometimes we just have to cope with the change and understand to move on and keep going forward, and it's truly what makes us stronger and unique. As humans we fear change from the start naturally especially due to the fact that Blockchain is an extremely new technology for us all, we need to comprehend the wisdom we have learned overtime in our lifetimes outside of Blockchain and the Internet and bring it forth towards this community as a whole, most of us in this community thrive to work together on a better future for societies to come after us and by doing so we have put so much faith into BCH but unfortunately greedy fucks like the developers behind Bitcoin Core and now ABC try highjacking our vision for the future but can we blame these ignorant imbeciles? Let me emphasis GREEDY IGNORANT IMBECILES.

    With that being said, I for one will be ready to fork out of this bullshit take over that they will try and attempt and move forward with my community and thrive towards the truth and what is righteous for the future, and whatever that may entail I highly encourage us as community to take the time together as a community and communicate this thoroughly before a division ensues like the mainstream media has inflicted on the American people since the inception of the mainstream media. God bless you all, love and peace. 🙏❤️✌️

    submitted by /u/Nexidy
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    Assert support

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 01:10 PM PDT


    • most wallets and registers (Bitcoin.com, Crescent cash, Neutrino, Electron cash)
    • most REST and RPC endpoints (BCHD, fountainheads, bitdb)
    • most libraries (bitcoincashj, bitcash, mainnet.cash)
    • most businesses (read.cash, member.cash, lazyfox.io, anyhedge.com, *.bitcoin.com)

    all run the Assert version, then what exactly is it left for ABC?

    In that case even miners and exchanges would lose if they'd go with ABC.

    submitted by /u/lubokkanev
    [link] [comments]

    After the November upgrade is over, I predict that Bitcoin Cash will rise sharply.

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 01:27 PM PDT

    Currently all this talk of a split is stopping some investors from buying more Bitcoin Cash.

    After the upgrade goes smoothly, Bitcoin Cash will have a better DAA, and the protocol developers will continue to scale BCH.

    The Infrastructure developers will continue to improve existing services and build new services.

    Peace and calm will return, as will the investors.

    submitted by /u/bitcoineo
    [link] [comments]

    Bitcoincashj, its Flipstarter, and the DAA

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 09:01 AM PDT

    Hey everyone!

    Just wanted to give everyone an update on the BitcoincashJ Flipstarter, and the upcoming DAA upgrade.

    First off, woo! The BitcoincashJ Flipstarter is nearly 50% funded! In just a few short days the Flipstarter has raised over 30 BCH, nearly reaching 50% of the goal!

    If you would like to help contribute, then check out https://flipstarter.pokkst.xyz :) All contributions are greatly appreciated :)

    Onto the DAA: Given the recent announcement of this: https://read.cash/@sha256_88ebd526/bitcoin-cash-bch-november-2020-upgrade-statement-f7c03159

    I have made my decision regarding the DAA and I will be implementing the ASERT DAA come November 15th. I believe ASERT is superior to Grasberg due to it being more tested, corroborated by several other developers, and the fact that ASERT does not change the emission schedule or block time of Bitcoin.

    You can find my signature in the linked read.cash post.

    Thank you,


    submitted by /u/_pokkst
    [link] [comments]

    Amaury is a bad actor and must go. The Bitcoin Cash community is suffering from Stockholm Syndrome.

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 02:46 AM PDT

    I don't care how talented he is. It's been clear to me from the start that he's not acting in the best interest of Bitcoin (ie Bitcoin Cash) or the BCH-community, but rather he is acting in the interest of his own fragile ego. It's just a question of time before he "rage quits" the whole idea of Bitcoin and start working against it, which we all know is amply rewarded by the enemies of peer-to-peer electronic cash. Please stop making excuses for the blatant and repeated power abuse, Amaury has got to go. It's us or him.

    submitted by /u/SwedishSalsa
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    When will Bitcoin Cash DAA Development meeting #3 be uploaded to YouTube?

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 10:06 AM PDT

    Grasberg vs Asert fork futures?

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 10:28 AM PDT

    I don't think there will be a fork in November, but I'd like the chance to make money off of people who do think there will be. Not only would it be good for speculators, but it would also provide clarity to whether or not a November fork will be viable.

    Are any exchanges such as Coinex, Coinflex, or the Bitcoin.com exchange going to offer fork futures? I'll gladly sell my grasberg-coins for more asert-coins.

    submitted by /u/BeijingBitcoins
    [link] [comments]

    Forking Questions

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 10:32 PM PDT

    Is there any reasonable estimation of hash power behind ABC vs BCHN?

    Do we know how connected ABC is to various big exchanges and CEOs?

    Under what circumstances would ABC keep the BCH ticker?

    Why is everyone so worried about a split? Isn't that kind of a nice little airdrop (so to speak)? Doesn't it free both sides to experiment and compete to be superior money?

    Do you worry about "brand name" confusion (so to speak)? Could people accidentally end up buying the wrong Bitcoin Cash?

    submitted by /u/bawdyanarchist
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    Fragmentation of an open-source community breaks a fundamental tenant of "Cheap, Fast & *Reliable*".

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 10:14 PM PDT

    You're not supporting consensus if you simply choose to disagree. It needs to be a conversation.

    submitted by /u/pchandle_au
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    Winning Result Publicity of “Trade to Get 20 BCH Airdrop” on August 5 – CoinEx Announcement

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 01:30 AM PDT

    Spend $5 to Send $5 on $BTC

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 01:06 AM PDT

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