• Breaking News

    Saturday, August 8, 2020

    BTC Feel sorry for him every time I get reminded.

    BTC Feel sorry for him every time I get reminded.

    Feel sorry for him every time I get reminded.

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 05:51 PM PDT

    "Today we received a 50 BCH donation on our contribution address, along with many others we received earlier. Whoever our kind donors are, we thank you, and will put the money to good use furthering work on Bitcoin Cash, peer-to-peer electronic cash!" - bitcoincashnode

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 05:46 PM PDT

    aserti3-2d has been ported over to Java.

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 06:34 PM PDT

    The two biggest opponents of p2p cash are central bankers & bitcoin maximalists.

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 02:58 PM PDT

    This is just a reminder that I host bchinfo.org, an alternative to bitcoincash.org!

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 11:05 AM PDT


    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 01:11 AM PDT

    BITFINEX has frozen my assets and withdrawals on my account worth approximately $800,000 since JUL 5.

    Today, they decided to "CLOSE THIS MATTER" without giving me any explanation to why my assets are frozen. [Read their email response from the timeline I provided below]

    This incident started off with me transferring my assets to BITFINEX to do FUNDING as I just gotten back my BTC from a loan I provided. My friend told me to transfer assets here so can earn the interest while I put my BTC to use.

    UNFORTUNATELY, I lost my phone on the same day and thus losing my 2fa [newly setup 2fa], and after verifying my identity, I was told there is a 5 days withdrawal hold.

    After which here comes a super lengthy process of verification with me providing personal documents like Identification, Income tax statements, transaction records from various exchanges and withdrawal records from other exchanges.

    The "compliance" department then took their own sweet time in verifying my documentation and only replies every other 4-8 days. This is obvious that they are not sincere in rectifying my issues and either they are purposely delaying my withdrawals, or they simply don't care.

    This freezing of assets is simply unacceptable as I need my funds for liquidity to pay for my housing and expenses. This issue have been causing so much duress and stress to my daily life and freezing my assets without explanation is simply unacceptable and OUTRAGOUS.

    I googled online and found out this is not the first time it happens and it's so unfortunate I fall victim to this.

    Bitfinex SHOULD NEVER deem the funds their own!

    Below is a detailed timeline of how they are slowly replying and using the convenience of KYC to delay my withdrawal.

    [JUL 6] Reset my 2fa, 5 days withdrawal hold.

    [JUL 10] After 5 days, here come their tricks. I received this email to provide KYC information.

    As it is our mission and commitment to provide better and reliable services for all Bitfinex users, we require our users to update and/or provide Know-Your-Customer information from time to time in order to maintain the level of integrity and compliance required by international anti-money laundering as well as counter terrorist financing policies.

    Accordingly, please provide us the following information/documentation:

    · Reasons for transfers from and to your Bitfinex account;

    · A clear and detailed explanation of your account activity and objectives;

    · A detailed explanation of the sources of all funds deposited to Bitfinex; provide details on how and where you acquired the funds that were deposited to your account. Make sure to include TXids and addresses that describe the source of the funds deposited to your Bitfinex account;

    · Proof of source of funds confirming how the deposited funds were originally acquired;

    · Detailed descriptions of the destination you have and/or will sent/send your funds to from your Bitfinex account;

    · Confirmation of whether you have ever opened and used any other account(s) on Bitfinex? If so, please provide the user name(s) and email address(es) of any account ever opened. Please explain why you operated more than one account, if applicable.

    [JUL 22] After a series of back and forth email with me providing my Identification, Income tax statements, transaction records from various exchanges and also withdrawal records from other exchanges, I finally receive a reply from the team.

    We apologize for the delay. We have escalated the matter to the verification team. We hope to resolve this matter as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.

    [JUL 22] sent them a follow up email, no replies.

    [JUL 24] sent them a follow up email, no replies.

    [JUL 28] sent them a follow up email, no replies.

    [JUL30] Finally a reply after 8 DAYS without any information provided.

    Thank you for your patience and understanding. We apologize for the length of this process, we are working on resolving this matter. You will receive a status update shortly.

    [AUG3] sent them a follow up email, no replies.

    [AUG6] Opened another support ticket with regards to my issue and received a response within HOURS from SUPPORT TEAM.

    [AUG7] finally a reply from the team.

    Please be advised that we are working on finalising the review of your account.
    We will communicate our findings to you during the next 24 hours.
    Thank you in advance for your understanding and patience in this matter.

    [AUG8] Email informing me that my funds are still stuck WITHOUT ANY EXPLAINATION AND THEY DEEM THE MATTER IS CLOSED.

    We appreciate your prompt responses and for providing the requested documentation to us.
    Regrettably, we are not in a position to clear the funds in your account at this time.
    In order to move this process along and clear the funds, we will require an appropriate legal process to advise us as such.
    Please be advised that we will continue to review all information/documentation submitted to this account. We, however, are not in a position to disclose information to parties that are not the law enforcement agency responsible for this matter. We further are unable to update this account status until instructed otherwise by an appropriate legal process.
    This matter is considered closed until advised otherwise.
    We trust this is in order.

    submitted by /u/Ethanyew
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    ABC is acting like a ineffective & mad dictator of BCH. Fortunately the cult of personality & ideological extremism enabling ABC is limited to just a few people. We can make this the most successful split in history, countering a rogue implementation. Paradoxically resulting in positive outcomes.

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 08:23 PM PDT

    ABC, the "lead implementation" has been making extremely controversial changes without debate, as announcements instead of proposals. Going so far as to literally state that ABC dictates the consensus rules, ignoring the community & market.

    The first major red flag was the IFP, an attempt to directly pay ABC from the block reward, changing the underlying economics of BCH. This was met with outrage & was rejected by the community & miners. Laying the seeds for rebellion in the form of BCHN, to compete with ABC.

    The patern of ego & delusion that enabled this behaviour goes back years. The DAA is a perfect example of this dysfunction, it should have been fixed years ago.

    Even though there where many proposals, ABC announced their own solution which was technically far inferior. This united almost the entire community, businesses & miners against ABC, with BCHN even implementing ASERT, the favored DAA proposal instead, guaranteeing a split with ABC in the minority.

    ABC then without any notice implemented ASERT along with the previously rejected IFP. This again united the entire community, bussinesses & miners against ABC with even more fervor.

    While ABC refuses negotiation or debate, they are locked in to fork themselves out of BCH, completely ignoring any ecosystem input. Acting like a ineffective & mad dictator of BCH.

    How could this have happened?

    "Power corrupts & absolute power corrupts absolutly"

    This is ultimately our fault, most people put in the position Amoury was put in would have behaved just as badly or worse. He held up for years even warning us of this danger over time.

    If we want to do better this time, we have to acknowledge the systemic problems that exist & actively guard against them.

    "Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty"

    Fortunately the cult of personality & ideological extremism enabling ABC is limited to just a few people. This means that we could be facing the most successful split in cryptocurrency history, where we effectively provide a check against the power of a rogue development team.

    ABC has created so much bad faith & opposition, that it paradoxically could result in very positive outcomes.

    Written by Justin Bons

    submitted by /u/VeritasSapere
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    Simple Ledger Protocol's Joint Statement Regarding Bitcoin ABC on BCH's November 2020 Upgrade

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 09:49 AM PDT

    Please look at this image, and tell me again "voluntary funding isn't working".

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 12:11 PM PDT

    Mainnet.cash Flipstarter currently at 85% with a day left to raise funds;

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 01:16 AM PDT

    Chris Pacia's final statement from DAA meeting #3

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 05:43 PM PDT

    ElectronCash.org points to https://bchinfo.org/ as a BCH resource. If you have a crypto site, please link to it and remove all links to bitcoincash.org

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 11:43 AM PDT

    Bitcoin Cash DAA Development meeting no. 3 video on YouTube

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 03:42 PM PDT

    AMA Recap: Haipo Yang and Emin Gun Sirer on BCH and Avalanche

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 08:26 PM PDT

    AMA Recap Article:

    You can check out the full AMA video here (mostly in Chinese with some English translation):

    submitted by /u/akaneyokoo
    [link] [comments]

    It do be like that

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 08:30 AM PDT

    Joint Statement from BCH Miners regarding Bitcoin ABC and the November 2020 BCH Upgrade.

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 04:20 AM PDT

    Hackers Hijack Reddit Mod Accounts to Post Pro-Trump Messages; taking control of more than a dozen subreddits, including r/space and r/food— with 17 and 19 million subscribers respectively

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 12:30 PM PDT

    RFC: An evidence-based process for consensus changes for Bitcoin Cash

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 12:29 PM PDT

    Moving forward, I think it is useful that we have a shared set of rules of thumb for deploying consensus changes. I have circulated semi-publicly a draft for such a framework, to gather useful comments from a lot of people I hold in high regard.

    This is a Request For Comments. I put this here to gather further feedback on what can a credible process be to avoid hostile capture.

    These two articles go in tandem. The first is open for comments. The detailed writeup is my own opinion.

    Request for comments: An evidence-based process for Bitcoin Cash (Chinese version)

    How I envision an evidence-based process for Bitcoin Cash

    Please note that this is explicitly not a document on governance. I'm working on a proposal on governance, and expect to have it ready by next week.

    I'll hang around for any feedback you might have. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/mtrycz
    [link] [comments]

    It's Fusion Friday!

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 10:57 AM PDT

    CashFusion brings exceptional levels of privacy to Bitcoin Cash, comparable to (or maybe even superior to) other privacy coins. It's already been used to fuse 137,991 BCH, and has reduced the size of the UTXO set by 16,131 outputs.

    Make sure to spin up Electron Cash 4.1.0 today and get that liquidity flowing! (The more people using CashFusion at once, the more Fusions happen, and the larger your "anonymity set".) If you had the pre-official-release 4.1.0, or the "release candidate" (with "rc" in the file name), you can update to the official 4.1.0 release for the latest version.

    New to CashFusion? No problem, getting set up is EASY.

    Just download the Electron Cash desktop wallet. It's got CashFusion built in!

    Set up your wallet (and be sure to write down your recovery phrase on a physical piece of paper, especially if you are going to hold significant amounts of coin in the wallet), then activate CashFusion by clicking the icon in the lower right:


    Once it's activated, your wallet will start "fusing" the Bitcoin Cash it contains. Fusions happen over time as their own, separate transactions, and only cost you the network transactions fees (less than a penny). Each fusion transaction will include some of your coins*, so it will take multiple fusion transactions before all the coins in your wallet to be fused. (In the View menu, toggle the coins tab to see all of the coins in your wallet. In the "Label" field, fused coins will show CashFusion info.)

    Currently, Electron Cash keeps fusing your coins indefinitely. While it is on the roadmap to give you the option to stop fusing after some number of fusions per coin, there's no downside to leaving it to fuse continuously besides paying the transaction fees. (And every fusion gives you that much more privacy, while you are helping to provide "liquidity" for other fusers.)

    Also, EC does not yet yet prevent you from spending unfused coins, nor does it prefer fused coins when spending, so it's probably best to leave it fusing and keep your whole wallet fused, and/or pick your coins manually from the Coins tab. (If you want that functionality and/or you're not comfortable picking coins to spend from the Coins tab, you can always switch back to CashShuffle for now in the Optional Features window, accessible from the Tools menu.)

    Here's the CashFusion Telegram group where you are welcome to ask questions. (Just remember to be courteous!)

    Happy Fusing!! <3

    *"Coins" are kind of a confusing concept when it comes to Bitcoin, but you can think of them like discrete "bills" (or... "coins") in your wallet, but instead of coming in only certain sizes like $1, $5, $10, $20, etc, they can be any amount sent to you in a previous transaction, like 0.618 BCH, 0.000001 BCH, or 123.45679 BCH. (They can also be combined and split up. That happens in most transactions!)

    submitted by /u/AD1AD
    [link] [comments]

    "It's worth noting the irony here: BCH, a chain that was born as a reaction to an ideology that claims that soft forks are the only legitimate way to make changes because they are "voluntary" is.... making a controversial soft fork and insinuating that it's voluntary" - Vitalik about the IFP

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 09:02 AM PDT

    Tuur Demeester's bitcoin alpha fund Adamant Capital has quietly shut down - The Block

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 07:34 PM PDT

    Miners signaling BCHN or any non-ABC implementation risk DDOS. This is most likely why they've signed a document but are not signaling. Keeping blocks silent is a smart move.

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 09:02 AM PDT

    The signatures and the absolute fact that they wouldn't pay 8% of their revenue for inferior ABC software is a clear signal that Bitcoin Cash is a working-group style meritocracy, not a dictatorship.

    This is such a massive win for Bitcoin Cash and decentralized peer-to-peer electronic cash. Keeping BCH decentralized is an absolute requirement for this to work at scale.

    Thank you BCHN, BU and all of the other incredible implementations for your continued hard work and perseverance despite constant attacks to harm this project.

    Also, without freedom of expression here in r/btc Bitcoin Cash would already be dead. Thanks u/memorydealers for allowing this place to remain free of censorship. r/btc is the only major forum that allows open discussion of ideas, good or bad. This keeps trolls in check and allows the best ideas to float to the top.

    Bitcoin Cash is the ONLY decentralized peer-to-peer electronic cash system on the planet. All other centralized coins miss the reason for having cryptocurrencies in the first place.

    Lots of hope from this user since 2012.

    submitted by /u/Annapurna317
    [link] [comments]

    Reminder: Bitcoin ABC apparently controls bitcoincash.org. This is a centralization failure that needs to be addressed.

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 01:54 PM PDT

    waiting on confirm and it's taking a really long time...Please help

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 08:36 PM PDT

    Hi, I sent a few coins to my coinbase account and it's been over 35 mins and it still shoes "unconfirmed". Can anyone shed some light on this please..?

    submitted by /u/mikebcity
    [link] [comments]

    I remember when important arguments for the IFP were that it was "temporary and reversible", now it's neither

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 03:03 AM PDT

    example: "Bitcoin.com's Clarifications on the Miner Development Fund"

    with subtitle " It is temporary and reversible" !

    Now it's ad infinitum and not up for debate.

    submitted by /u/Mr-Zwets
    [link] [comments]

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